Which Native American culture group included the Anasazi built pueblos and irrigated their fields?

Which Native American culture group included the Anasazi built pueblos and irrigated their fields?

The Native American of the Southwest

What is the name of the group of Native Americans that lived along the east coast when the English arrived quizlet?

The Agricultural Revolution sparked population growth, allowing some groups, such as the Aztecs, to establish complex societies. The Eastern Woodland Indians, who lived along the Atlantic coast, had just begun to practice agriculture when the Europeans arrived.

Which Native American culture group hunted bison and used dogs to pull lightweight sleds?

The Great Plains Indians were a Native American tribe who had a cultue of bison hunting, and used domesticated dogs for transportation via sleds.

Why did Indians of the Southwest culture group develop irrigation techniques while the Indians of the Columbia Plateau culture group did not?

Why did Indians of the Southwest culture group develop irrigation techniques while the Indians of the Columbia Plateau culture group did not? The Indians of the Southwest lived in an arid region, while the Columbia Plateau region received abundant rainfall.

Why is our knowledge of ancient Americans limited quizlet?

Why is our knowledge of ancient Americans limited? A pandemic destroyed entire villages and cultures. Ancient Americans had no written or oral language. Archaeologists do not have the knowledge or tools to piece together the past.

Which climate zone has a long growing season and wet winters used to have Native Americans living along the Gulf Coast?

Explanation: Subtropical Humid climate is found along the Atlantic coast and it extends up to the Gulf of Mexico. The summers are too penetrating and sultry and the winters are too cold or mild in regions of Subtropical Humid climate.

What mountain range extends from BC to New Mexico?

Generally, the ranges included in the Rockies stretch from northern Alberta and British Columbia southward to New Mexico, a distance of some 3,000 miles (4,800 km). In places the system is 300 or more miles wide.

What River drains almost half of the United States and serves as a transportation route between the upper Midwest and the Gulf Coast?

Length. The Mississippi River is the second longest river in North America, flowing 2,350 miles from its source at Lake Itasca through the center of the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico. The Missouri River, a tributary of the Mississippi River, is about 100 miles longer.

Why is the information available to archaeologists about early Native American cultures very limited?

Why is the information available to archaeologists about early Native American cultures very limited? Native American cultures were highly secretive, so it was not possible to locate information about their cultures. Native Americans had no written languages so their cultural artifacts could not be analyzed.

Which statement does this graph clearly support Native American population declined dramatically in a period of 50 years?

On the bottom, the label of the X axis says “Year”, that means the numbers 1492 and 1542 are years and the year difference between them is 50 years, therefore the graph indicates that Native American population declined dramatically (from approximately 18 million to about 1 million) in a period of 50 years.

Which letter from the map that indicates where the culture was found matches the Native American culture given enter the letter of the correct answer in the box?

Explanation: Hi, for Mississippians the correct answer is H. built mounds for protection and ceremony. Mississippian cultures built mounds.

Why is the information available to archaeologists about early Native American cultures very limited a pandemic of European diseases destroyed Native American cultures before information could be gathered inter tribal warfare eliminated large numbers of Native Americans so little information was available?

Q. Why is the information available to archaeologists about early Native American cultures very limited? A pandemic of European diseases destroyed Native American cultures before information could be gathered. Inter-tribal warfare eliminated large numbers of Native Americans, so little information was available.

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