
Which of the following are credible sources of information for a research paper?

Which of the following are credible sources of information for a research paper?

The most common credible sources are scholarly journals, conference papers and books because these have been peer-reviewed (read and approved for publication by other authors). However, there are good websites that can be used; generally ending in . gov / .

Which author has the most credible and reliable source of information?

Answer. An author who uses statistics and cites his or her sources is most credible and reliable. By the credibility of an Author one can judge the reliability and effectiveness of a particular source.

Which source provides the most reliable information for research Brainly?

The most reliable sources of information are up to date, trustworthy, and credible websites, books, and articles.

How do you know if a source is reliable?

Q. How do I know if a source is reliable?

  1. 1) Accuracy. Verify the information you already know against the information found in the source.
  2. 2) Authority. Make sure the source is written by a trustworthy author and/or institution.
  3. 3) Currency. Depending on your subject, your currency needs will vary.
  4. 4) Coverage.

Is .gov a reliable source?

gov or . mil) – Government websites end in . gov are among the most reliable sources on the web. BUT beware of political sites, their intent is usually used to sway public opinion.

Can you trust .gov sites?

gov = Government. All branches of the United States federal government use this domain. Information such as Census statistics, Congressional hearings, and Supreme Court rulings would be included in sites with this domain. The information is considered to be from a credible source.

How do you know if it is a scholarly source?

The article is most likely scholarly if:

  • The source is longer than 10 pages.
  • Has a works cited or bibliography.
  • It does not attempt to persuade or bias the reader.
  • It attempts to persuade or bias the reader, but treats the topic objectively, the information is well-supported, and it includes a works cited or bibliography.

Why is it important to use peer reviewed sources in your research?

Within the scientific community, peer review has become an essential component of the academic writing process. It helps ensure that papers published in scientific journals answer meaningful research questions and draw accurate conclusions based on professionally executed experimentation.

When an article is peer reviewed what does that mean quizlet?

Peer Review. An assesment of Scientific Work by others who are experts in the field (peers) Why is a Peer Review conducted. To ensure research conducted and published is of a high quality.

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