
Which of the following business messages should use the direct strategy?

Which of the following business messages should use the direct strategy?

Business messages that follow the direct strategy include routine requests and responses, orders and acknowledgments, nonsensitive memos, e-mail messages, informational reports, and oral presentations.

What kind of sentence reveals the main idea of a paragraph?

topic sentence

What are 3 supporting details?

SUPPORTING DETAILS • A paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea and are supporting details.

How do you write a main idea paragraph?

The main idea may be stated in the first sentence of a paragraph and then be repeated or restated at the end of the paragraph. The main idea may be split. The first sentence of a paragraph may present a point of view, while the last sentence presents a contrasting or opposite view.

What are main ideas and supporting details?

The main idea is the “key concept” being expressed. Details, major and minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details helps you understand the point(s) the writer is attempting to express.

What are supporting details examples?

Description: Arguments, evidence, and direct examples are all supporting details that will help you make claims and prove your points. Supporting details strenghten the validity of thesis statements, and help persuade the reader to take interest in what you communicate.

How do you teach supporting details?

Teaching Students That Details Should Support the Main Idea Before your main idea lesson, write a paragraph that has a very clear main idea. Then, add a sentence to the paragraph that is somewhat on topic, but doesn’t really support the main idea of the paragraph.

What are the types of supporting details?

There are two types of supporting details: major and minor. Major supporting details. These can be provided in examples, statistics, anecdotes, definitions, descriptions, or comparisons within the work.

What are examples of details?

The definition of detail is to describe or give information about something, or to clean and shine all parts of an automobile. When you describe your plan to a friend, this is an example of when you detail your plan. Washing and waxing the dashboard of a car is an example of a step to detail a car.

What is the importance of supporting details?

They help explain the main idea. Supporting details often lead you to the stated main idea also contain important information that can help you formulate the main idea when it is implied. It is useful to identify and understand supporting details because they can help you grasp the organization of a paragraph.

What are the types of details?

Types of Details

  • Narrative details—action/ events.
  • Descriptive details—adj. / adv.
  • Sensory details—senses: hearing, feeling, touching, smelling, etc.
  • Dialogue and fragments—conversational tone.

What is the purpose of details?

Persuasive Details “Details are what persuade us that someone is telling the truth—a fact that every liar knows instinctively and too well.

What are the two types of description?

Two Types of Description: Objective and Impressionistic “Objective description attempts to report accurately the appearance of the object as a thing in itself, independent of the observer’s perception of it or feelings about it.

What are some descriptive details?

A Definition of Descriptive Detail Descriptive details allow sensory recreations of experiences, objects, or imaginings. In other words, description encourages a more concrete or sensory experience of a subject, one which allows the reader to transport himself or herself into a scene.

How do you use descriptive details?

The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader’s mind. Capturing an event through descriptive writing involves paying close attention to the details by using all of your five senses.

What are examples of descriptive writing?

Examples of Descriptive Writing

  • Her last smile to me wasn’t a sunset.
  • My Uber driver looked like a deflating airbag and sounded like talk radio on repeat.
  • The old man was bent into a capital C, his head leaning so far forward that his beard nearly touched his knobby knees.

What is an example of descriptive?

Descriptive is defined as giving details or something that describes. An example of descriptive is someone giving a very detailed account of an experience they had; a descriptive person. (linguistics) Describing the structure, grammar, vocabulary and actual use of a language.

What is descriptive paragraph and examples?

A descriptive paragraph describes a thing, a person, or a place. Detailed information allows the reader to form an image in his or her imagination. Let’s take, for example, a description of a place. …

How do you start a descriptive paragraph?

Start your paragraph with a general topic sentence that introduces the person. A succinct introduction sentence at the start of your paragraph will help catch the reader’s attention and shift their focus to the person you’re about to describe.

What are descriptive sentences?

Descriptive Words: Words used to describe or give details about something, some place, or someone. Noun: A word that names a person, place, or thing. Sentence: A group of words that is a complete thought as a statement, question, or exclamation. Its first word is capitalized, and it has an appropriate end mark.)

How do you write a good descriptive sentence?

Here are a few tips to hone your writing skills and get the descriptive language just right:

  1. Cut out obvious descriptions.
  2. Use surprising words.
  3. Remember sensory details.
  4. Make use of figurative language.
  5. Think about who is doing the describing.
  6. Be wary of over-description.
  7. Read good examples of descriptive writing.

What are some good descriptive words?

Explore the Words

  • adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use.
  • adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises.
  • affectionate. having or displaying warmth or fondness.
  • ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  • amiable.
  • compassionate.
  • considerate.
  • courageous.

How do you use descriptive in a sentence?

(1) This book is descriptive of a scientific exploration. (2) He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces. (3) The passage is purely descriptive. (4) The book contains sublime descriptive passages.

What does mean descriptive?

1 : presenting observations about the characteristics of someone or something : serving to describe a descriptive account. 2a : referring to, constituting, or grounded in matters of observation or experience the descriptive basis of science.

What is a descriptive paragraph?

When you write a descriptive paragraph, you are describing something. When you do this, you must use wording that will allow your readers to be able to see what you are writing about without being able to actually “see” it. The types of words to use are strong verbs and colorful adjectives.

What is another word for descriptive?

Descriptive Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for descriptive?

explanatory explicative
describing indicative
elucidative explicatory
explanative interpretative
expositive exegetical
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