Which of the following could be considered the opposite of the density dependence seen in the standard logistic equation?

Which of the following could be considered the opposite of the density dependence seen in the standard logistic equation?

Which of the following could be considered the opposite of the density dependence seen in the standard logistic equation? Genetic drift.

Which negative effect can habitat fragmentation have on a metapopulation?

Which negative effect can habitat fragmentation have on a metapopulation? A. It can make patches smaller, thus increasing the patch extinction rate.

What causes the Allee effect?

The most commonly observed mechanism is mate limitation, which causes Allee effects in both animals and plants (in the form of pollen limitation). Positive density dependence in survivorship due to either cooperative defense or predator satiation is also found across taxonomic groups.

What are factors that determine the number of offspring born to females of any given age class?

the number of offspring born to females of any given age class depends on two things: the number of females in that age class and their age-specific fertility rate. Let’s consider a population of birds growing at a rate of 5% per year.

How do I find survivorship?

To calculate l1, survivorship from age 0 to age 5, subtract the proportion of the population dying during that interval from 1.0 (i.e., l1 = l0 – proportion dying during interval 0). To calculate survivorship for age group 2, subtract the proportion dying during period 2 (6-10 years) from l1.

Do all human populations demonstrate a type 1 curve?

Survivorship curves show the distribution of individuals in a population according to age. Humans and most mammals have a Type I survivorship curve, because death primarily occurs in the older years.

What is the primary limiting factor that determines why no female animal?

What is the primary limiting factor that determines why no female animal can produce a very large number of very large eggs? There are energy constraints.

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