Which of the following does not pose a risk to security?

Which of the following does not pose a risk to security?

A person expressing boredom with the US mission does NOT pose a risk to security at a government facility. A person expressing boredom with the US mission does NOT pose a risk to security at a government facility. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

How do I know if I’m under surveillance?

Confirming Physical Surveillance

  1. a person being somewhere he has no purpose being or for doing something he has no reason to be doing (blatant poor demeanor) or something more subtle.
  2. moving when the target moves.
  3. communicating when the target moves.
  4. avoiding eye contact with the target.
  5. making sudden turns or stops.

What are the rules on CCTV?

If your CCTV captures images beyond your property boundary, such as your neighbours’ property or public streets and footpaths, then your use of the system is subject to the data protection laws. This does not mean you are breaking the law. But it does mean that, as the CCTV user, you are a data controller.

How long does it take police to get CCTV?

It takes up to 30 calendar days to get a response. If we’re satisfied with your reasons and can make sure that showing you the recording won’t compromise anyone else’s privacy, we’ll grant your request.

Can you refuse to give police CCTV?

Police may request CCTV footage for a variety of reasons that may not be at all to do with you or your property. Initially you will be asked to supply your CCTV evidence. However, if you refuse the police do have various options to get the footage should they so wish such as getting a search warrant.

Can you view CCTV without a Licence?

A CCTV operator licence is required where a security operative uses CCTV equipment that is either placed into fixed positions or has a pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) facility. A CCTV Licence is Required where the Operator has to carry out any of the following: Use CCTV equipment to look for a particular individual.

Can I give CCTV footage to someone?

You are unable to request footage of somebody else. If we were to give you images of someone else without their consent, this would breach the privacy rights of those individuals. Only the police or relevant statutory authorities can request such footage.

Can I demand to see CCTV footage?

You have the right to request CCTV footage of yourself. You need to make a request to the owner of the CCTV system. You can do this either in writing or verbally. The owner’s details are usually written on a sign attached to the camera, unless the owner is obvious (like a shop).

Can I request CCTV footage from a pub?

Absolutely you CAN request CCTV footage from a pub. As a matter of fact, you CAN request CCTV footage from anywhere and anyone you like.

How many days CCTV footage is kept?

Generally, 31 days is the time that most CCTV users keep their recorded footage and it is also recommended by the police.

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