Which of the following is are an underlying assumption of evolutionary psychology?

Which of the following is are an underlying assumption of evolutionary psychology?

What is the underlying assumption of evolutionary psychology’s motivation theory? The idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need (focuses on how our inner pushes and external pulls interact).

How can evolutionary theory drive reduction theory and arousal theory explain our need for affiliation?

How might the evolutionary perspective, drive- reduction theory, and arousal theory explain our affiliation needs? Drive- reduction theory might say that being threatened and afraid drives us to find safety in the company of other (thus reducing our aroused state).

What are some basic ideas about human development proposed by evolutionary psychologists?

Evolutionary psychology is based on the idea that our brains developed over time through evolution, and some of the behaviors we exhibit are left over from that process. Our behavior can sometimes be explained based on these traits, such as aggression and lust.

Which of the following is an argument of critics of the evolutionary perspective?

critics argue that evolutionary psychologists (1) start with an effect and work backward to an explanation (2) do not recognize social and cultural influences, and (3) absolve people from taking responsibility for their sexual behavior.

How can evolutionary theory explain our need for affiliation?

What evidence points to our human affiliation need—our need to belong? Our need to affiliate or belong—to feel connected and identified with others—had survival value for our ancestors, which may explain why humans in every society live in groups.

How does drive reduction theory explain affiliation?

How might drive-reduction theory and arousal theory explain our affiliation and achievement needs? The drive-reduction is when physiological needs (such as hunger and thirst) create an aroused state that drives us to reduce the need (for example, by eating or drinking).

What is an example of drive reduction theory?

For example, a person has come to know that if he or she eats when hungry, it will eliminate that negative feeling of hunger, or if they drink when thirsty, it will eliminate that negative feeling of thirst. Drive Reduction Theory works well for simple matters- you get hungry, you seek food.

What is instinct theory?

What Is Instinct Theory? According to the instinct theory of motivation, all organisms are born with innate biological tendencies that help them survive. Instincts are goal-directed and innate patterns of behavior that are not the result of learning or experience.

Who found instinct theory?

Wilhelm Wundt

Who created instinct theory?

Wilhem Wundt

What are the three basic instincts?

Humans all have three main survival instincts: Self-Preservation, Sexual, and Social.

Why can’t humans live forever?

Inside our bodies at any moment, weak cells die and are replaced with healthier ones. Individual cells die for the sake of the organism as a whole. As cellular health declines over time, it leads to the symptoms we know as aging.

Can man live 200 years?

Studies in the biodemography of human longevity indicate a late-life mortality deceleration law: that death rates level off at advanced ages to a late-life mortality plateau. That is, there is no fixed upper limit to human longevity, or fixed maximal human lifespan.

Why do we grow old and die?

Over time, telomeres shorten, which is associated with disease and aging. Programmed senescence theory. Cellular senescence occurs when cells stop dividing and growing, but don’t die. This theory suggests that this causes aging.

Can you live forever with stem cells?

Human embryonic stem cells are considered to be immortal: they do not age, they can proliferate indefinitely, and form any tissue of the organism. As such, they do not accumulate damaged proteins like the ones related with diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s.

Do stem cells make you younger?

Old human cells can become more youthful by coaxing them to briefly express proteins used to make induced pluripotent cells, Stanford researchers and their colleagues have found. The finding may have implications for aging research.

What is the future for stem cells?

Abstract. Stem cells have offered much hope by promising to greatly extend the numbers and range of patients who could benefit from transplants, and to provide cell replacement therapy to treat debilitating diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.

Can you live forever with an artificial heart?

The entire device weighs about 2 pounds and contains batteries that can last about 4 hours. Currently, the average life expectancy of a patient on the artificial heart is one year. But patients have been reported to live up to 4 years on these devices.

What is the longest someone has lived with an artificial heart?

April 19, 2017 – A 61-year-old man who recently surpassed 1,700 days (4.6 years) of life with the SynCardia temporary Total Artificial Heart (TAH) has become the longest supported TAH patient in the world.

Can a human have 2 Hearts?

Aside from conjoined twins, no human is born with two hearts. But in the case of extreme heart disease, called cardiomyopathy, rather than receiving a donor heart and removing yours, doctors can graft a new heart on to your own to help share the work. This is more commonly known as a piggy-back heart.

Can immortality be possible?

Cryonics holds out the hope that the dead can be revived in the future, following sufficient medical advancements. While, as shown with creatures such as hydra and planarian worms, it is indeed possible for a creature to be biologically immortal, it is not known if it will be possible for humans in the near-future.

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