Which of the following is characteristic of the sleep of depressed patients?
decreased functioning of his thyroid gland. decreased functioning of his thyroid gland. Which of the following is characteristic of the sleep of depressed patients? They have a shorter period of sleep time before entering a REM stage.
What are the new depressive disorder diagnoses in the DSM 5?
The fifth edition includes several new depressive disorders, including disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Which of the following is a symptom of a manic mood state?
Both a manic and a hypomanic episode include three or more of these symptoms: Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired. Increased activity, energy or agitation. Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria)
How many categories of depression does the DSM 5 recognize?
It is a modified version of the DSM episode severity specifier: (1) no or almost no depressive symptoms; (2) subthreshold; (3) mild; (4) moderate; and (5) severe.
Why is the DSM-5 controversial?
There are two main interrelated criticisms of DSM-5: an unhealthy influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the revision process. an increasing tendency to “medicalise” patterns of behaviour and mood that are not considered to be particularly extreme.
Is the DSM reliable and valid?
All participants were administered a standardized measure of diagnostic criteria. The DSM-5 yielded satisfactory reliability, validity and classification accuracy. In comparing the DSM-5 to the DSM-IV, most comparisons of reliability, validity and classification accuracy showed more similarities than differences.
What is the most current DSM version?
DSM–5 is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States.
Which of the following is a symptom of a manic episode group of answer choices?
A manic episode is characterized by persistent periods of euphoria, irritability, or expansive mood that last at least one week.