Which of the following is the appropriate definition of factory?

Which of the following is the appropriate definition of factory?

According to Black’s Law dictionary, factory is a term that includes all buildings and premises wherein, or within the cartilage of which, steam, water, or any mechanical power is used to move or work any machinery employed in preparing , manufacturing, or finishing cotton, wool, hair, silk, flax, hemp, jute or tow.

What is called a factory?

A factory, manufacturing plant or a production plant is an industrial site, usually consisting of buildings and machinery, or more commonly a complex having several buildings, where workers manufacture goods or operate machines processing one product into another.

What is an example of a factory?

An example of a factory is a place where cars are built. A factory is defined as something that makes things quickly and in great quantities. An example of factory is a child’s school where germs are spread quickly, a “germ factory.”

What is the difference between a factory and a plant?

The word factory generally refers to a production site where a specific item is produced, whereas a plant refers to a site where a specific process takes place. For example, a site that produces brushes could be called a brush factory, but you wouldn’t call it a brush plant.

Why are factories called plant?

I learned many years ago, after working in the process industry for many many years, that the term “plant” for process facilities evolved from the word “plantation”. Many process facilities in the southern states were originally built on plantations.

What is called Factory answer in one sentence?

A factory, manufacturing plant or a production plant is an industrial site, often a complex consisting of several buildings filled with machinery, where workers manufacture items or operate machines which process each item into another.

How can I use factory in a sentence?

  • [S] [T] I work in a factory. ( fjrjdk)
  • [S] [T] He works in a factory. (
  • [S] [T] Let’s go to the factory. (
  • [S] [T] That factory makes toys. (
  • [S] [T] I worked in this factory. (
  • [S] [T] My father works in a factory. (
  • [S] [T] They decided to shut down the factory. (
  • [S] [T] Tom abandoned his plan to build a factory. (

What is a good sentence for factory?

He worked on an assembly line in a factory for about a month, but the work was really boring, so he quit. He got a job working in his uncle’s leather factory punching holes in belts and shoes.

What is a factory city?

A Factory City -A shift factory will use indivisible inputs (machines) and allow workers to specialize in narrowly defined tasks, leading to a higher output per worker and lower average cost. Workers will economize on travel costs by living close to the factory, and competition for land will bid up its price.

Which city is known as City of factories?

I think western city of india known as the city of factories.

Why are factories so important?

Centralized workplace – Rather than have individual workers spread out in their homes and workshops, the factory was a large central place where many workers came together to make products. Factories were necessary because the machinery was expensive, large, needed power, and was operated by many workers.

Why does a city exist?

It suggests that the existence of cities follows the Principle of Least Effort, where people crowded into cities because dense populations are efficient at generating trade and income. Cities create efficiency, which in turn creates wealth.

What components of a city are most important to its existence?

Cities generally have extensive systems for housing, transportation, sanitation, utilities, land use, production of goods, and communication.

Why do large cities exist?

So let’s directly examine the question: Why do big cities exist? The answer is that they exist because they have been able to innovate and create new exports to replace their original (“founding”) export.

Why do cities grow where they do?

Historically, transportation was one of the critical factors in determining where cities developed. Cities often grew up around key port locations as well as railway and highway hubs. The ease of accessibility became a comparative advantage for these locations.

What are the three main reasons for the growth of cities?

Some of the main factors that have led to grow of cities are: (i) Surplus Resources (ii) Industrialization and Commercialization (iii) Development of Transport and Communication (iv) Economic Pull of the City (v) Educational and Recreational Facilities.

Why is sprawl bad?

Although some would argue that urban sprawl has its benefits, such as creating local economic growth, urban sprawl has many negative consequences for residents and the environment, such as higher water and air pollution, increased traffic fatalities and jams, loss of agricultural capacity, increased car dependency.

How does a town develop?

An application for forming a town includes the signed petition, a proposed name, and—in some cases—a proposed form of government. In some places, though, a town charter must be granted by vote of the state legislature. Depending on where you live, you may face certain restrictions on your right to incorporate.

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