Which of the following is the decrease in the conditional response when the unconditioned?
The extinction is the condition when the stimulus become weak and its response gradually decreases with time. The conditioned response will decrease and ultimately gets decreases in the absence of the of the unconditioned stimulus. Thus, the answer is extinction.
What is the CS Preexposure effect?
Term. CS-preexposure effect. Definition. interference with conditioning produced by repeated exposures to the CS before the conditioning trials; also called latent-inhibition effect.
Why does pre exposure to a CS or US impair learning?
Prior pre-exposure to either the to-be-conditioned stimulus (CS) or unconditioned stimulus (US) can impede the development and/or expression of the conditioned response (CR) following subsequent pairing between the CS and the US.
What is CS association?
Classical conditioning occurs when a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US). After pairing is repeated the organism exhibits a conditioned response (CR) to the conditioned stimulus when the conditioned stimulus is presented alone.
What is backward conditioning example?
Backward conditioning (also known as backward pairing) is a behavior conditioning method in which the unconditioned stimulus (US) is presented before a neutral stimulus (NS). So to use a Pavlovian example, an experimenter rings a bell (NS) before they present the food (UCS).
What is an example of delayed conditioning?
delayed conditioning (forward) – the CS is presented before the US and it (CS) stays on until the US is presented. This is generally the best, especially when the delay is short. example – a bell begins to ring and continues to ring until food is presented.
Is Delayed conditioning effective?
(2012), response- stimulus conditioning should be effective to condition neutral stimuli (i.e., pictures) as conditioned stimuli. Further, based on the results of the basic literature with non- human animals, delayed conditioning should establish conditioned reinforcers more effectively than simultaneous conditioning.
What is the major difference between trace conditioning and delayed conditioning?
The defining difference between delay and trace classical conditioning is simple: in delay conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus (US) immediately follows or coterminates with the conditioned stimulus (CS), whereas in trace conditioning, the CS and US are separated in time by a “trace” interval.
What is an example of trace conditioning?
Trace conditioning is a type of classical conditioning in which the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and conditioned stimulus (CS) are presented separately with an interval of time in between. Understanding of the UCS and CS are best explained with an example of salivating dogs.
What is temporal conditioning?
a procedure in classical conditioning in which the unconditioned stimulus is presented at regular intervals but in the absence of an accompanying conditioned stimulus.
What is simultaneous conditioning?
a classical conditioning technique in which the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are presented at the same time.