Which of the following is used as anticonvulsant?

Which of the following is used as anticonvulsant?

Anticonvulsant Drugs Numerous drugs are available, including the typical anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, and oxcarbazepine, and atypical anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin, pregabalin, topiramate and lamotrigine, and clonazepam.

What is a normal blood sugar reading after eating?

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels? They’re less than 100 mg/dL after not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours. And they’re less than 140 mg/dL 2 hours after eating. During the day, levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals.

What does a blood sugar reading of 7.4 mean?

You are more clued up than your GP because you are absolutely right that a fasting blood glucose level of over 7.0mmol/l is diagnostic of diabetes. Having said this, you are only marginally in the diabetic range and your disorder should be eminently controllable.

What is the best diet to reverse Type 2 diabetes?

A diet that helps you manage or reverse your condition should include:

  • reduced calories, especially those from carbohydrates.
  • healthful fats.
  • a variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.
  • whole grains.
  • lean proteins, such as poultry, fish, low-fat dairy, soy, and beans.
  • limited alcohol.
  • limited sweets.

What foods should be avoided with type 2 diabetes?

  • Sugar-sweetened beverages. Sugary beverages are the worst drink choice for someone with diabetes.
  • Trans fats. Artificial trans fats are extremely unhealthy.
  • White bread, rice, and pasta.
  • Fruit-flavored yogurt.
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals.
  • Flavored coffee drinks.
  • Honey, agave nectar, and maple syrup.
  • Dried fruit.

How can I control my diabetes without medication?

Manage Diabetes without Medication

  1. Eat a healthy diet. Choose to eat more whole fruits and vegetables, more whole grains and lean proteins.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Make a commitment to exercising regularly by finding a partner.
  5. Test your blood sugar.
  6. Get enough quality sleep.
  7. Getting regular checkups.

What is a good menu for a Type 2 diabetes?

Foods to eat for a type 2 diabetic diet meal plan include complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils. Foods to avoid include simple carbohydrates, which are processed, such as sugar, pasta, white bread, flour, and cookies, pastries.

Which drink is best for diabetes?

Whether you’re at home or at a restaurant, here are the most diabetes-friendly beverage options.

  1. Water. When it comes to hydration, water is the best option for people with diabetes.
  2. Tea. Research has shown that green tea has a positive effect on your general health.
  3. Coffee.
  4. Vegetable juice.
  5. Low-fat milk.

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