Which of the following outlines allows greater freedom of movement and eye contact during the speech?

Which of the following outlines allows greater freedom of movement and eye contact during the speech?

Speech Test 2

Question Answer
Which of the following outlines allows greater freedom of movement and eye contact during the speech? Key word
When precise wording is necessary, especially when presenting a speech on a highly controversial topic, a __________ outline is recommended. sentence

What strategy can you use to capture your audience’s attention in your introduction?

Question. Another strategy for getting your audience’s attention is to ask them a question. There are two types of questions commonly used as attention-getters: response questions and rhetorical questions.

How do you capture someone’s attention?

Here are ten ways to capture someone’s attention in 30 seconds or less.

  1. Leave Some Mystery.
  2. Get A “Yes” Response First.
  3. Use Body Language.
  4. Engage The Senses.
  5. Have A Hype Team to Help You Capture Someone’s Attention.
  6. Use Movement.
  7. Find A Way To Sell Yourself Without Bragging.
  8. Find What You Have In Common.

What skills do you need to be a presenter?


  • excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • performance skills and a clear voice.
  • the ability to generate original ideas.
  • a personable and confident manner.
  • a broad range of interests, including current affairs.
  • good research and interviewing skills.
  • the confidence and the ability to sell yourself.

What is the most important thing in a presentation?


What are the five views of presentation?

The views in PowerPoint that you can use to edit, print, and deliver your presentation are as follows:

  • Normal view.
  • Slide Sorter view.
  • Notes Page view.
  • Outline view (Available in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac and newer versions)
  • Slide Show view.
  • Presenter view.
  • Master views: Slide, Handout, and Notes.

Why is it important to prepare a presentation?

Preparation is the single most important part of making a successful presentation. Good preparation will ensure that you have thought carefully about the messages that you want (or need) to communicate in your presentation and it will also help boost your confidence. …

What is the most important part of preparing for a speech?

Analyze Your Audience Next to identifying your topic, understanding your audience is one of the most important things you can do in preparing for your speech.

How do you prepare and deliver an important presentation?

Here are some tips to help you deliver a winning and memorable presentation that you actually enjoy giving.

  1. Take Time to Prepare.
  2. Research Your Audience.
  3. Identify Your Goals.
  4. Know Your Time Limit.
  5. Write It Down.
  6. Create Visual Aids (If Necessary)
  7. Memorize It.
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice.

Who needs to be consulted on the development of a presentation?

Whoever has requested that you develop a presentation must be consulted. You need to know, and understand, their aims and objectives of the presentation. You may also need guidance on organisation policy towards presentations.

What is the best practice in developing presentations?

Four Best Practices for Creating Effective Presentations

  • Design. Hopefully you already have a company slide template, but if not, apply a clean and simple design based on the color palette and font of your brand for visual consistency.
  • Content. Two words: reuse & shorten.
  • Script.
  • Customization.

What is the importance of using a hyperlink on a presentation?

The “hyperlink” function in PowerPoint allows users to advance from one slide to another slide in the presentation when they click on a predetermined word, shape, or image, thereby allowing for a more dynamic and interactive experience than can be obtained with serial presentation of slides alone.

What are the rules of presentation?

8 Golden Rules for a Great Presentation

  • #1 Use max six lines per slide.
  • #2 Ideal font size is 32.
  • #3 Use bright colors.
  • #4 Use slides you really need.
  • #5 Use max one line of text per bullet.
  • #6 Tell a narrative story.
  • #7 Use your website identification.
  • #8 Recommended time: 20 minutes.

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