
Which of the following sentences avoids cliches trite phrases and buzzwords?

Which of the following sentences avoids cliches trite phrases and buzzwords?

Answer: The sentence that avoids clichés, trite phrases, and buzzwords is Our committee will analyze the proposals on Monday.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of written communication?

Advantages of written communication: Easy to preserve: The documents of written communication are easy to preserve. Oral and non-verbal communication cannot be preserved. If it is needed, important information can be collected from the preserved documents.

What are the advantages of written records?

Advantages of written records

  • It is a permanent record that can be kept from generation to generations.
  • Most important dates are recorded.
  • Information cannot be changed because the information is written down.
  • Information can reach many people through reading.
  • It can be safely kept in archives.

What are the disadvantages of written records?

a) Where an author omits essential information for one reason or another, a written source may be rendered quite unreliable. b) Written information may be misunderstood or misinterpreted by readers. c) Writers at times are biased since they write from their particular point of view.

What are the disadvantages of archeology?

The disadvantage is that archaeology is a destructive process. When excavating a site the archeologist is essentially destroying it. Sure, large structural remains such as foundations, and walls are often left intact, but generally, once a site has been excavated, it’s gone forever.

What are the benefits of oral and written reports?

Advantages of oral communication over written communication are.

  • Less expensive. Benefits of oral communication is less expensive and saves money as no stationary or gadgets are required.
  • Saves time.
  • Immediate Feedback.
  • Personal Contact.
  • Useful in Difficult Situations.
  • Co-operative spirit.
  • Useful in Secret Matters.
  • Persuasive.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of oral and written communication?

Advantages of Oral Communication The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be made quickly without any delay. Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and efforts. Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution.

What is the disadvantage of oral tradition?

The following are disadvantages of oral traditions Oral tradition may be biased. This is possible because of nature of transmission itself. oral transmission is full of exaggeration, creativity and sometimes the informant may talk of good things only.

Which is better written or oral communication?

Oral communication can be more effective because it involves carefully chosen words along with non-verbal gestures, movements, tone changes and visual cues that keep the audience captivated. The written word is more organized, more detailed and is presented in a logical order.

What matters most in oral communication?

Oral Communication can be observed through either Verbal and Non-verbal figures. As long as the essence of the message is fully transmitted and completely delivered, communication has been effective in both sides causing no misunderstanding; thus, effective communication is what matters most in oral communication.

How do we communicate effectively orally?

Factors of Effective Verbal communication:

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Speak with confidence.
  3. Be clear and concise.
  4. Be aware of your non-verbal communication cues.
  5. Be a good listener.
  6. Think about the perspective of your audience.
  7. Vary your vocal tone.

What are the similarities and differences of oral and written communication?

Oral and written forms of communication are similar in many ways. They both rely on the basic communication process, which consists of eight essential elements: source, receiver, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference.

What is the similarities of oral and written tradition?

Answer. Answer: Oral and written forms of communication are similar in many ways. They both rely on the basic communication process, which consists of eight essential elements: source, receiver, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference.

What are three difference between oral and written communication?

Written Communication, on the other hand, is a formal means of communication, wherein message is carefully drafted and formulated in written form. It is kept as a source of reference or legal record….Comparison Chart.

Basis for Communication Oral Communication Written Communication
Transmission of message Speedy Slow

What are the similarities and differences of the function of communication?

The similarities of functions of communications are all of them is giving information and to communicate. The differences is how someone will deliver it or the style and its functions. in instructive we just instruct people while in regulation we give specific rules about the people should do in a specific place.

What are the five function of communication?

What are communication functions? The most basic functions of communication in an organization are to regulate/ to control, to inform, to interact socially, to express and to motivate.

What are the 10 functions of communication?


  • REGULATION/CONTROL. Communication can be used to control human behavior.
  • SOCIAL INTERACTION. Social interaction as a function of communication refers to the use of communication to socialize or interact with other people.

What is the most important function of communication?

The most basic functions of communication in an organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate.

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