Which of the sentence is capitalized correctly?

Which of the sentence is capitalized correctly?

The sentence which is capitalized correctly is “My easiest classes are Chemistry and Spanish”. Here “Chemistry” and “Spanish” are the proper nouns. The correct answer is option C. In option A, the word “Chemistry” is only capitalized leaving the other proper noun in lower case.

Which sentence is capitalized correctly Why don t we?

Answer. Hey mate!! The first sentence is right, because the first word should be in capital letter and the name should also be in capital letter. Why don’t we get together to watch the Academy Awards?

Which sentence is capitalized correctly we are going to be leaving soon?

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: D. “We are going to be leaving soon,” he said, “so get your shoes on.” The sentence that is capitalized correctly is that “We are going to be leaving soon,” he said, “so get your shoes on.”

Which sentence is written correctly Zev?

The correct answer is: Zev exclaimed when he opened the door, “Welcome to my home.” This sentence is correct because unlike the other sentences, it did not capitalized the words door, to, my, and home. Also, it used correct punctuation which are a comma, quotations, and period

What quotation correctly uses ellipsis?

Votes for Women

Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier Jake who is twenty seven?

The correct answer is A. Jake, who is twenty-seven, is studying to be a yoga teacher. A nonrestrictive modifier is a word or a phrase that is separated from the rest of the sentence using commas

Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier Jaye has three dogs and she just adopted a puppy from the shelter?

Answer: It’s C. Jaye, who has three dogs, just adopted a puppy from the shelter

Which sentence contains correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifier?

Only nonrestrictive modifiers are separated by commas. Taking this into account, the sentences that contain correctly punctuated nonrestrictive modifiers are: My oldest sister, Maria, is a pilot – If we remove Maria, we can still identify which sister we are talking about

Which version of the sentence has correctly placed commas Noah?

The correct answer is A. Noah, who draws comic books in his free time, wants to write a graphic novel. Commas are used to separate clauses and are being placed around where there are nonrestrictive modifiers

Which sentence contains an infinitive?

The sentence that contains an infinitive is 2. Although she was busy, Clayton’s mother offered to give him a ride. An infinitive phrase contains a verb in its infinitive form after the preposition “to”. In this case, the infinitive phrase is “to give”

Which sentence contains split infinitive?

Explanation: Sentences A and E contain split infinitives. In the case of sentence “A” the adverb “quickly” is between the particle “to” and the verb finish

How do you fix a split infinitive?

A split infinitive occurs when other words come between the two parts of the infinitive. Though some writing teachers argue they are often not a big deal, they can seem informal and cause confusion. To fix a split infinitive, rearrange the sentence so that no words come between the two parts of the infinitive.

What are examples of split infinitives?

An infinitive consists of the word to and the simple form of a verb (e.g. to go and to read). “To suddenly go” and “to quickly read” are examples of split infinitives because the adverbs (suddenly and quickly) split (or break up) the infinitives to go and to read.

Why is it wrong to split an infinitive?

Infinitives are the verb form that is preceded by “to.” To split an infinitive is considered a grammatical crime in many circles. Nonetheless, there is often no good reason not to split infinitives, and in some cases it can improve clarity, avoid weak language, or prevent writing from sounding overly formal

What is wrong with To boldly go?

A split infinitive is when other words creep into the middle of an English infinitive. The most famous example is Star Trek’s “to boldly go where no one has gone before”. The Victorians decided that splitting an infinitive was a grammatical mistake, and some people still agree with them

Do infinitives always start with TO?

An infinitive will almost always begin with to. Exceptions do occur, however. For example, an infinitive will lose its to when it follows these verbs: feel, hear, help, let, make, see, and watch. Between the verb and the infinitive, you will find a direct object.

What is the rule of split infinitive?

A split infinitive is created by placing an adverb or adverbial phrase between the to and the verb—for example, to boldly go, to casually walk, to gently push. Although split infinitives have been widely condemned in grade-school classrooms, they’re common in writing of all kinds.

How do you use two infinitives in a sentence?

There are two infinitives in this sentence: stop and listen. They are both the objects of the sentence. This sentence also includes the gerund talking, which the object in the phrase “stop talking.”

What is an infinitive in grammar?

In traditional descriptions of English, the infinitive is the basic dictionary form of a verb when used non-finitely, with or without the particle to. Thus to go is an infinitive, as is go in a sentence like “I must go there” (but not in “I go there”, where it is a finite verb).

What is infinitive verb example?

An infinitive verb is the word “to” followed by a verb. If you are going to study, or to drive, or to cook, you are using infinitive verbs.

How do you explain an infinitive verb?

An infinitive verb is essentially the base form of a verb with the word “to” in front of it. When you use an infinitive verb, the “to” is a part of the verb. It is not acting as a preposition in this case.

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