Which of these most likely explains why people in the Eastern Bloc had little contact with the West?

Which of these most likely explains why people in the Eastern Bloc had little contact with the West?

Which of these most likely explains why people in the Eastern Bloc had little contact with the West? They could not travel freely.

How did the Soviets take over Eastern Europe?

East Germany was part of the Soviet zone of occupation agreed at the Yalta Conference and in 1945 the Soviets set up a communist regime. In the 1945 elections, a communist-led coalition (made up of more than one political party) government was elected. By 1948 the Communist Party was in complete control of the country.

What was the Communist empire in Eastern Europe called?

The Eastern Bloc, also known as the Communist Bloc, the Socialist Bloc and the Soviet Bloc, was the group of socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, and Southeast Asia under the influence of the Soviet Union and its ideology (communism) that existed during the Cold War 1947ā€“1991 in opposition to the …

Who started the communist bloc?

Countries after the end of World War II (i.e., after August 1945), which became linked by adherence to the ideology and practice of communism, as developed by Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin and their successors in the Soviet Union.

What countries were a part of the communist bloc?

The communist nations closely allied with the Soviet Union, including Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, whose foreign policies depended on those of the former Soviet Union.

What did the communist insurgents in South Vietnam call themselves?

Viet Cong (VC), in full Viet Nam Cong San, English Vietnamese Communists, the guerrilla force that, with the support of the North Vietnamese Army, fought against South Vietnam (late 1950sā€“1975) and the United States (early 1960sā€“1973). The name is said to have first been used by South Vietnamese Pres.

Why did the spread of communism to China scare the United States quizlet?

Soviet domination in eastern Europe and the communist takeover of China shocked the american public. Americans feared communists on the home front were loyal to the soviet union. Containment was a United States policy to prevent the spread of communism abroad.

What was the dividing line between Eastern and Western Europe?

Germany was divided after World War II into East Germany and West Germany, separated by the so-called Iron CurtainThe physical barrier in the form of walls, barbed wire, or land mines that divided Eastern Europe and Western Europe during the Cold War..

What is the difference between Eastern and Western civilization?

Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North America, European countries, New Zealand and Australia. Western culture allows people to be more open and critical.

Why are the winters less in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe?

Answer: Winters are less severe in western Europe than in eastern Europe because western Europe is situated near Atlantic ocean . this is because western edges of the continent are not shielded by significant mounrain.

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