Which photographer was adherent to straight photography?

Which photographer was adherent to straight photography?

Ansel Adams

What characteristic helps to define the style of pure or straight photography?

What characteristic helps to define the style of “pure” or “straight” photography? A photograph is not cropped or manipulated in any way.

Is the suppression of words or pictures that a group or individuals find offensive indecent or dangerous?


During what time period did experiments with the camera obscura first begin?

500 to 1000: Earliest experiments, study of light In the 6th century, the Byzantine-Greek mathematician and architect Anthemius of Tralles (most famous as a co-architect of the Hagia Sophia) experimented with effects related to the camera obscura.

What was the camera obscura originally used for?

The term “camera obscura” was first used by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler in the early 17th century. He used it for astronomical applications and had a portable tent camera for surveying in Upper Austria. The development of the camera obscura took two tracks.

Did cameras exist in the 1800s?

1800s. In the early 1800s, the camera obscura had become a portable, light-tight box that contained materials and chemicals that would momentarily record the image through the lens. Cameras created in the 1800s were often crafted for looks as well as functionality.

Did they have cameras in the 1890s?

Kodak – 1888 The original Kodak was commercially one of the most important cameras ever made. Its appearance and function was akin to basic ‘detective’ cameras of the 1880s and 1890s.

Did they have cameras in the 1700s?

By the mid 1700s the camera obscura, along with the camera lucida, was considered a standard tool of artists and illustrators to make sketches for paintings and drawings.

How long to take a picture in the 1800’s?

The first photo took 8 hours to expose. That is before they had invented the process of developing. Earliest daguerreotypes in about 1840 took several minutes but that was soon reduced to under a minute. When Kodak introduced his camera in 1888, it was already down to about 1/20 s.

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