Which registers are used in multiplication and division operation?

Which registers are used in multiplication and division operation?

All of the multiplication and division operations operations use a special purpose register, the Y register (%y). You can use the mov operation to examine and set the contents of the Y register.

What is the significance of DX register in 16-bit multiplication and division?

16-Bit Multiplication. The DX register always contains the most significant 16 bits of the product, and AX contains the least significant 16 bits. As with 8-bit multiplication, the choice of the multiplier is up to the programmer.

Which register is automatically used by multiplication and division instructions?

EAX is automatically used by multiplication and division instructions. It is often called the extended accumulator register.

Why AX register is used and not Al?

AX is the primary accumulator; it is used in input/output and most arithmetic instructions. For example, in multiplication operation, one operand is stored in EAX or AX or AL register according to the size of the operand. BX is known as the base register, as it could be used in indexed addressing.

What does EAX stand for?

general purpose register

What is the function of the general purpose register?

The general purpose registers are used to store temporary data in the time of different operations in microprocessor. 8086 has eight general purpose registers. This is the accumulator. It is 16-bit registers, but it is divided into two 8-bit registers.

Is a special purpose register?

A Special Function Register (or Special Purpose Register, or simply Special Register) is a register within a microprocessor, which controls or monitors various aspects of the microprocessor’s function.

What are the different types of special purpose register?

Three types of special-purpose registers are the instruction register, instruction pointer, and program status word. When the control unit fetches an instruction from memory, it stores it in the instruction register.

Which register is a 16-bit special purpose register?

Stack Pointer (SP): It is a 16-bit special purpose register which always stores the address of top of the Stack. i.e. it always points to top of the Stack. Stack is a part of the memory location used to store the data temporarily.

What are the uses of accumulator register?

An accumulator is a type of register included in a CPU. It acts as a temporary storage location which holds an intermediate value in mathematical and logical calculations. Intermediate results of an operation are progressively written to the accumulator, overwriting the previous value.

Is accumulator a 16-bit register?

All microprocessors make use of an accumulator register that can supply one number for an action, and where the result of an action will also be stored. The size of the accumulator in terms of bits is used as a measure of the data unit capability of the microprocessor (as 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, and so on).

Why program counter is 16 bit register?

Thus these registers are used to store the memory locations where the Program Counter and Stack pointers point to and as we discussed earlier address of a memory location is of 16 bit, so therefore these registers are of 16 bit so that they can store the 16 bit address as data in these registers.

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