
Which sentence is missing an apostrophe for a contraction?

Which sentence is missing an apostrophe for a contraction?

Water is not everywhere it’s miles away. Sadly, even after that water is found, only some of its clean and safe enough to drink. -is missing an apostrophe for a contraction. (“its” should be “it’s”).

Which sentence needs a semicolon correctly?

The sentence that needs semicolon to be corrected is: Jerry loves tennis; he plays every day. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What’s an apostrophe?

(Entry 1 of 2) : a mark ‘ used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in “John’s book”), or the plural of letters or figures (as in “the 1960’s”) In the contraction “can’t,” the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word “cannot.”. apostrophe. noun (2)

What punctuation shows ownership?


What are the 5 examples of apostrophe?

Apostrophe Examples

  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. (
  • O holy night!
  • Then come, sweet death, and rid me of this grief. (
  • O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth. (
  • Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean – roll! (
  • Welcome, O life!

Is it owners or owner’s?

An apostrophe is a small punctuation mark ( ‘ ) placed after a noun to show that the noun owns something. The apostrophe will always be placed either before or after an s at the end of the noun owner. Always the noun owner will be followed (usually immediately) by the thing it owns.

Is it Chris’s or Chris ‘?

Which is correct, Chris’s chair or Chris’ chair? James’s car or James’ car? Actually, both ways are correct. If a proper name ends with an s, you can add just the apostrophe or an apostrophe and an s.

How do you show possessive?

Apostrophe Rules for Possessives

  1. Use an apostrophe + S (‘s) to show that one person/thing owns or is a member of something.
  2. Use an apostrophe after the “s” at the end of a plural noun to show possession.
  3. If a plural noun doesn’t end in “s,” add an apostrophe + “s” to create the possessive form.

Where to put the apostrophe if it belongs to someone?

If something belongs to someone or something, then the apostrophe is called for. If a kid has some books, then the kid’s books will clearly express that. Use an apostrophe + s to show possession for singular nouns.

Is someone’s possessive?

Someone’s can mean someone is or be the possessive form of someone. Someones would mean someone is , whereas someone’s is the possessive/genitive. The opposite is true for pronouns, where it’s = it is, and its is the possessive. You can lose a lot of marks for putting a wrong apostrophe.

Can we use apostrophe with someone?

Rule 1: For singular nouns, indefinite pronouns (e.g. anybody, someone, nobody) and words already ending in s, place the apostrophe before the s when indicating ownership. Rule 2: For plural nouns ending in s, place the apostrophe after the s when indicating ownership.

What are the 3 Uses of apostrophe?

The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns; 2) to show the omission of letters; and 3) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols.

How do you use apostrophes examples?

A few apostrophe examples below:

  1. I am – I’m: “I’m planning to write a book someday.”
  2. You are – You’re: “You’re going to have a lot of fun with your new puppy.”
  3. She is – She’s: “She’s always on time.”
  4. It is – It’s: “I can’t believe it’s snowing again.”
  5. Do not – Don’t: “I don’t like anchovies.”

What are the two types of apostrophes?

The two types of apostrophes are apostrophes of possession and contraction.

Do I need an apostrophe?

Any time you have an it’s or an its in your writing, double-check the sentence. If you can say “it is” in its place, then you DO need the apostrophe. If its is showing something has possession or ownership of something, then you do NOT need an apostrophe and using its is correct. The dog was chewing on its bone.

Can we use two apostrophes in a sentence?

In sentences where two individuals own one thing jointly, add the possessive apostrophe to the last noun. If, however, two individuals possess two separate things, add the apostrophe to both nouns. For example: Joint: I went to see Anthony and Anders’ new apartment.

Does homes have an apostrophe?

(Each home has an individual design, and each home has its own decor.) As you known, home’s is singular possessive, and homes’ is plural possessive. Regardless, it would be more common to use home decor as a compound noun.

What is a possessive apostrophe example?

An apostrophe used before the letter s to show ownership. For example, ‘This is Sally’s coat’.

How do you use a possessive apostrophe with two names?

If two people possess the same item, put the apostrophe + s after the second name only. Example: Cesar and Maribel’s home is constructed of redwood. However, if one of the joint owners is written as a pronoun, use the possessive form for both.

What is a possessive form examples?

It is clear that the pencil belongs to the boy; the ‘s signifies ownership. The cat’s toy was missing. The cat possesses the toy, and we denote this by use of an apostrophe + s at the end of cat. Plural nouns ending in an s simply take an apostrophe at the end to form a possessive noun.

How do you write a possessive name?

The general rule is that the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s, whether the singular noun ends in s or not. The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.

What is the possessive form of class?

To form the singular possessive, simply add the apostrophe following the final “s” (class’ and grass’). To form the plural possessives of these nouns, explain that first the nouns must be made plural (classes, grasses), then simply add an apostrophe to the end of the word (classes’, grasses’).

What is the possessive form of my?

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There’s also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes.

What are the 7 possessive pronouns?

Possessive pronouns show who or what owns, or possesses, something. My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his, its, our, ours, their, and theirs are possessive pronouns. Use my, your, her, our, and their before nouns. This is my cat.

What is a possessive in grammar?

A noun names a person, place, thing, idea, quality or action. A possessive noun shows ownership by adding an apostrophe, an “s” or both. To make a single noun possessive, simply add an apostrophe and an “s.” Wedding rings and vows as examples of possessive nouns.

What are the 12 personal pronouns?

In Modern English the personal pronouns include: “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” “they,” “them,” “us,” “him,” “her,” “his,” “hers,” “its,” “theirs,” “our,” “your.” Personal pronouns are used in statements and commands, but not in questions; interrogative pronouns (like “who,” “whom,” “what”) are used there.

What are the 23 personal pronouns?

I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and them are all personal pronouns. Personal pronouns are the stunt doubles of grammar; they stand in for the people (and perhaps animals) who star in our sentences.

What is the pronoun of girl?

List of personal pronouns: I, me, you, he, him, . . .

Personal pronouns
Gender Subject pronoun Object pronoun
male / female (singular, plural) you you
male he him
female she her

What can you use instead of first person pronouns?

The third person point of view is often used as an alternative to first person as the “voice” in academic writing.

How do you not use the word I?

The Quick Fix

  1. Start with a prepositional phrase. A propositional phrase lets us know where the subject of the sentence is in time or space, or what the relationship is between two entities.
  2. Swap the clauses.
  3. Cut out unnecessary actions.
  4. Avoid filter phrases (I thought, I saw, I heard).
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