
Which statement about a circuit is true?

Which statement about a circuit is true?

Then the correct answer is the option c) A circuit is an unbroken loop of conductive material throught which electrons flow continuously.

What is true about a series circuit?

The same current flows through each part of a series circuit. The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of individual resistances. Voltage applied to a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops.

Which of the following statement is correct about electric current?

Answer. Answer: (c) Electric current has both magnitude and direction but it does not follow the vector laws of addition. Therefore, it is scaler quantity.

Which statement is true about parallel circuits?

A Parallel circuit has certain characteristics and basic rules: A parallel circuit has two or more paths for current to flow through. Voltage is the same across each component of the parallel circuit. The sum of the currents through each path is equal to the total current that flows from the source.

Which is an advantage of a series circuit?

The biggest advantage of a series circuit is that you can add additional power devices, usually using batteries. This will greatly increase the overall force of your output by giving you more power. Your bulbs may not shine as brightly once you have done this, but you probably won’t notice the difference.

How can you increase the current in a circuit?

The two main ways of increasing the current in an electrical circuit are by increasing the voltage or by decreasing the resistance.

Can transistors increase current?

A transistor can be used to increase current. You’ll have a low current path, from base to emitter in an NPN, and a higher current path from collector to emitter. The collector current will be a multiple of the base current if the circuit allows it.

How do transistors amplify current?

A transistor acts as an amplifier by raising the strength of a weak signal. The DC bias voltage applied to the emitter base junction, makes it remain in forward biased condition. Thus a small input voltage results in a large output voltage, which shows that the transistor works as an amplifier.

How do you reduce current in a circuit?

In order to lower the amperage of an electrical circuit, you must either lower the circuit’s voltage or increase its resistance. Lowering amperage is done by applying Ohm’s law, given by the formula I = V/R, where I is the circuit’s total current in amperes, V is the voltage and R is the resistance.

What is voltage rise?

Simply put a Voltage Rise is an increase in electrical pressure. A Voltage Rise may be a positive or a negative. Voltage Drop – A Voltage Drop occurs when a Current flows through a Resistive electrical com- ponent in an electrical circuit.

How do you find current in a circuit?

Ohms Law and Power

  1. To find the Voltage, ( V ) [ V = I x R ] V (volts) = I (amps) x R (Ω)
  2. To find the Current, ( I ) [ I = V ÷ R ] I (amps) = V (volts) ÷ R (Ω)
  3. To find the Resistance, ( R ) [ R = V ÷ I ] R (Ω) = V (volts) ÷ I (amps)
  4. To find the Power (P) [ P = V x I ] P (watts) = V (volts) x I (amps)

How do you reduce voltage and maintain current?

V=IR so to maintain a constant voltage while decreasing current you simply have to increase resistance by the same amount you have decreased your current. If you decrease the current by half then you will need to double your resistance.

How do you control current?

The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the electric potential difference impressed across the circuit and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit. Reducing the current can be done by reducing the voltage (choice A) or by increasing the resistance (choice D). 2.

How can you reduce voltage without current?

Balancing resistors can help with this. To reduce the voltage down to 6, there’s a number of possibilities, depending upon how precise the voltage needs to be. Voltage regulator(s) are the way to go here. Adjustable regulators that provide 6V at 3A are quite common, but you’ll need more components to set them up.

How do you maintain voltage?

To maintain a steady voltage level regardless of the amount of current drawn from a power supply, the power supply can incorporate a voltage regulator circuit. The voltage regulator monitors the current drawn by the load and increases or decreases the voltage accordingly to keep the voltage level constant.

Do capacitors change voltage?

Because capacitors store the potential energy of accumulated electrons in the form of an electric field, they behave quite differently than resistors (which simply dissipate energy in the form of heat) in a circuit. In other words, capacitors tend to resist changes in voltage drop.

Does a capacitor reduce voltage?

Capacitors oppose changes in voltage. It takes time to fill up the plates with charge, and once charged, it takes time to discharge the voltage. On AC power systems, capacitors do not store their energy very long – just one-half cycle.

How does a capacitor regulate voltage?

Because capacitors store energy, they can increase the apparent voltage in some circuits. Capacitors can reduce peak current demands on power sources by providing stored energy during peak loads that would cause voltage from the power source to drop. It is not a property of a capacitor to increase voltage by its self.

Why do capacitors oppose change in voltage?

Capacitors resist changes in voltage because it takes time for their voltage to change. The time depends on the size of the capacitor. A larger capacitor will take longer to discharge/charge than a small one. The statement that capacitors resist changes in voltage is a relative thing, and is time dependent.

What is the use of capacitor in voltage regulator?

Voltage regulators work most efficiently when a clean DC signal is fed into it, and these bypass capacitor helps to reduce any AC ripple. Essentially, they act to short the AC noise of the voltage signal to ground, and filter only the DC voltage into the regulator.

Is it OK to replace a capacitor with higher voltage rating?

Originally Answered: Can I replace a certain value capacitor with the same value but higher voltage? absolutely. The voltage rating is a maximum rating. To replace a cap you only need to exceed the maximum voltage the cap sees and in a good design at least a 20% safety margin.

What happens if you use the wrong capacitor?

If the wrong run capacitor is installed, the motor will not have an even magnetic field. This will cause the rotor to hesitate at those spots that are uneven. This hesitation will cause the motor to become noisy, increase energy consumption, cause performance to drop, and cause the motor to overheat.

Does a capacitor have a positive and negative side?

Electrolytic capacitors are polarized, which means the way that they are connected in a circuit matters. Electrolytic capacitors have a positive and negative side. To tell which side is which, look for a large stripe or a minus sign (or both) on one side of the capacitor.

Can I use a 50v capacitor instead of a 25V?

Yes. Just don’t go below 25v. The 4.7uF is an “exact” value, whereas the 25v is a maximum rating. Probably yes: Ideally you should replace the capacitor with one of the same nominal capacitance and an equal or greater maximum voltage rating.

Which type of capacitor is generally polarized?

Electrolytic capacitors

What does 50 uF mean on a capacitor?

It’s a symbol that means micro so 50 μF means 50 microfarads. or . 000050 Farads. The farad is such a large unit that the microfarad is the practical unit for capacitance.

Does the voltage rating on a capacitor matter?

The voltage on a capacitor is not the rating, but rather how much voltage you can expose the capacitor to. For example, if your voltage source is 9 volts, you should choose a capacitor that is at least double the voltage, 18 volts or even 27 volts to be safe.

What is voltage rating of capacitor?

The voltage rating on a capacitor is the maximum amount of voltage that a capacitor can safely be exposed to and can store. A circuit designer wouldn’t just use any voltage for a circuit but a specific voltage which is needed for the circuit. For one circuit, 12 volts may be needed.

What happens if you use a higher voltage capacitor?

The higher the MFD of the capacitor, the greater the stored energy and the greater the start winding amperage. If the capacitor is completely failed with zero capacitance, it is the same as having an open start winding.

Can I use a capacitor with a higher uF rating?

Likewise, people ask, can you replace a run capacitor with a higher UF? Watch out: as a general rule of thumb, electric motor start capacitors can be replaced with a micro-farad or µF or mfd rating equal to or up to 20% higher µF than the original capacitor serving the motor.

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