Which statement best describes the author point of view?

Which statement best describes the author point of view?

Answer: The statement that best describes the author’s viewpoint is American Indians influenced the U.S. government and raised the spirit of their community by occupying Alcatraz.

Which statement best describes the author’s viewpoint in the passage the US government?

With information provided by an informant in the Soviet state-run telephone operation, the U.S. knew that the spot they needed to reach with the tunnel was under Schonefelder Chaussee, a major highway that ran along the southern edge of Berlin.”, the statement that best describes the author’s viewpoint in the passage …

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint in this passage from an earlier chapter of the Dark game?

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint in this passage from an earlier chapter of The Dark Game? The author is suggesting that the telegram sparked the US decision to go to war. The author believes the telegram added to the strength of US troops.

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint in this passage from an earlier chapter of the Dark game the author is suggesting that the telegram sparked the US decision to go to war the author believes the telegram added to the strength of US troops the author claims that the telegram had no effect on the course of events?

Answer:the author is suggesting that the telegram sparked the us decision to go to war .

What viewpoint is the author suggesting what is the author’s primary purpose in this paragraph?

The author is suggesting do not trust in all the people because at that time, Spies gathered intelligence from letters, newspapers, and interviews with prisoners and deserters. The author’s primary purpose in this paragraph is to narrate relevan historic facts.

Why does Mr H intercede on behalf of the British printer?

Why does Mr. H. intercede on behalf of the British printer? The printer can help the British.

Which article is most likely written to persuade readers?

Manners Make the Man

Why did Zimmerman choose to send a message through the US State Department?

Why did Zimmermann choose to send the message through the U.S. State Department? The content of the message was extraordinarily important. Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. As a result of the cut cables, Germany lost its most secure long-distance communications system.

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of the dark game quizlet?

How does the first paragraph of The Dark Game best support the central idea that the Civil War was a long war? -It shares the detail that the war lasted four years. -It states what people believed about the war at the time. -It tells how many soldiers actually died in the war.

What is the central idea of this passage the dark game?

In The Dark Game, the central idea of the section about Elizabeth Van Lew is her personality. Elizabeth Van Lew was a valuable and legendary spy character in the Civil War. In the 1st paragraph itself, the game explains the long standing civil war ran for almost 4 years now.

What is the main idea of the dark game?

The central theme about the Dark Game was dangerous it was to be a spy. Elizabeth took many risks in gathering and sending information to the Union lines. She also took care to help Union escapees get back to their troops.

What information develops the central idea the dark game?

Answer. In The Dark Game, the author developed the central idea that Elizabeth Van Lew was a spymaster during the Civil War by including details about the work that Van Lew did. The author narrates that Elizabeth wanted to help in putting nation back together.

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of the dark game the Civil War was a short conflict between the North and the South?

Answer Expert Verified In The Dark Game the central idea of the first paragraph is 1) The Civil War lasted longer than people first expected it to last. The author makes this idea clear by including details about how the war lasted for four years.

What does the Dark game and the code book have in common?

The Code Book is written with technical language, but The Dark Game is written in a simpler style. The Code Book and The Dark Game both explain the importance of codes and codebreakers historically. The Dark Game is an example of narrative writing, while The Code Book is written in an expository style.

How does this excerpt develop the central idea that Elizabeth?

Based on the excerpt about Elizabeth Van Lew from The Dark Game, this excerpt develops the central idea that Elizabeth Van Lew helped expand the role of women in society by stating how Van Lew acted as an important leader and manager at a time when women were generally discouraged from taking on those roles; and by …

Which detail should be included in a summary of Elizabeth?

The answer is “B: Her home was used as a safehouse.” Explanation: The key part of the question states “Elizabeth Van Lew’s role as a spymaster during the Civil War.” Summaries generally do not include incredibly specific details, such as the number of messages she sent weekly, or what she put in an empty eggshell.

What should be included in a summary check all that apply?

A summary should include a discussion of central ideas and key details in my own words. When writing, it merely explains what the whole story is all about in a few words. However, you need to touch every aspect of the story, in brief, to ensure the meaning is not lost.

Which detail should be included in a summary?

A good summary of an essay should probably include the main idea of each paragraph, and the main evidence supporting that idea, unless it is not relevant to the article or essay as a whole. A summary does not need a conclusion, but if the original ends with a message to the reader this should not be left out.

What is a central idea that the author develops throughout the Dark game Elizabeth Van Lew ran a safe house for escaped Union soldiers in her Richmond home during the Civil War ordinary individuals who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spies Elizabeth van?

The central idea that the author develops through the Dark game is mainly, how the ordinary individuals during the civil war who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spy.

What is a central idea that the author develops throughout the Dark game Elizabeth Van Lew ran a safe house for escaped Union soldiers in her richmon?

The correct answer is: During the civil war, ordinary individuals who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spies.

What is the central idea of this passage Van Lew’s home was used as a safe house which was critical to the Confederacy?

Van Lew’s home was used as a safe house, which was critical to the Confederacy. Van Lew had a passion to end the war and preserve the Union. Van Lew was a spymaster, a leading force in the espionage activities for the Union.

Which states best central idea in this excerpt?

Answer: The option that best states the central idea of this excerpt is: B. Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.

What information did Van Lew relay?

Elizabeth Van Lew would gather information from recently imprisoned Union soldiers at Libby Prison while attending to their wounds and providing them with supplies. The imprisoned soldiers would give her information on confederate troops, movement, missions, and levels which she would pass on to Union Army commanders.

Is Mary Bowser still alive?


How was Elizabeth Van Lew able to speak with prisoners even as authorities tried to prevent it?

The bullying only made Van Lew more determined to help the Union. She passed information to prisoners using a custard dish with a secret compartment and communicated with them through messages hidden in books. She even helped prisoners plan their escape, hiding many of them briefly in her home.

Who was the most famous spy during the Civil War?

Henry Thomas Harrison Espionage

What was the secret line?

The Secret Line was used by the Confederates. It was a web of couriers and was used to distribute messages from Union areas (mostly Washington) to Virginia. It was also used to deliver messages to other offices the Secret Service had internationally, such as Montreal and Europe.

What impact did spies have on the Civil War?

Spies played an important role in the civil war for both sides, gathering intelligence and scouting opposing troop movements and numbers.

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