Which step in the opsec process is a decision-making step because it helps the decision maker prioritize and decide whether or not to assign a countermeasure?

Which step in the opsec process is a decision-making step because it helps the decision maker prioritize and decide whether or not to assign a countermeasure?

Risk assessment is a decision-making step because it helps the decision maker prioritize and decide whether or not to assign a countermeasure to a vulnerability.

Which step in the opsec process is a decision-making step because it helps the decision maker?

Risk assessment is an evaluation of potential threats against a safeguard and security interest and the countermeasures necessary to address potential vulnerabilities. It is a five-step process that provides the decision-maker with a firm foundation upon which to make an informed decision.

Which step in the opsec process is a decision?

A risk assessment is a decision-making step to determine if a countermeasure needs to be assigned to a vulnerability based on the level of risk this vulnerability poses. Let’s review Step 5 of the five-step process.

What is opsec a process not a set of rules?

OPSEC’s most important characteristic is that it is a process. OPSEC is not a collection of specific rules and instructions that can be applied to every operation. It is a method that can be applied to any operation or activity for the purpose of denying critical information to an adversary.

What are the 5 steps of opsec?

The OPSEC process includes the following five steps: (1) identify critical information, (2) identify the threat, (3) assess vulnerabilities, (4) analyze the risk, (5) develop and apply countermeasures.

What is an opsec indicator?

OPSEC indicators are those friendly actions and open sources of information that adversary intelligence systems can potentially detect or obtain and then interpret to derive friendly critical information.

Which of the following are good opsec countermeasures answers?

The good OPSEC countermeasures may include modification of the operational as well as the administrative routines, the use of deception, cover and concealment,etc and also other steps which degrade the ability of the adversary to exploit the indicators of the critical information.

What information is protected under opsec?

Operations security (OPSEC) is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary …

What is opsec most important characteristic?

OPSEC’s most important characteristic is that it is a process. OPSEC is not a collection of specific rules and instructions that can be applied to every operation. It is a methodology that can be applied to any operation or activity for the purpose of denying critical information to an adversary.

What are the elements of threat?

Each of these elements has an essential role to play within a threat model.

  • Key stakeholders. The key stakeholders are the owners of the system.
  • Assets.
  • Security risks.
  • Security threats and threat agents.
  • Security vulnerabilities.
  • Security controls and mitigations.

Who is responsible for opsec?

Department of Defense (DoD) DoD leaders at all levels have the responsibility to integrate the five-step OPSEC process into the planning, execution, and assessments of their organizations day-to-day activities and operations.

What are opsec rules?


  • Do not post exact deployment dates or redeployment dates.
  • Do not reveal camp locations, including nearby cities.
  • Do not discuss convoy routes (“we travelled through Takrit on our way to X”)
  • Personnel transactions that occur in large numbers (Example: pay information, powers of attorney, wills, etc)

Can you post pictures in uniform?

But yes, it’s acceptable to do so without punitive concern as long as you aren’t wearing the uniform in a manner to discredit the military. Your going to get some wanna be dependa coming for your BAH and health insurance if you do that, be warned.

What is the impact of violating opsec?

What results from an OPSEC violation or slip up can lead to grave consequences. Failure to properly implement OPSEC measures can result in serious injury or death to Airmen, mission failure, as well as damage to weapons systems, equipment and facilities.

What is the purpose of opsec?

The purpose of operations security (OPSEC) is to reduce the vulnerability of US and multinational forces to successful adversary exploitation of critical information.

What is the first law of opsec?

Identification of critical information. The first step in the OPSEC process, and arguably the most important: to identify the assets that most need protection and will cause us the most harm if exposed. Analysis of threats.

Why should organizations use and practice opsec?

OPSEC Practices Can Protect Small Businesses from Crime & Terrorism. OPSEC is used to keep threats to your business – criminals, terrorists and others – from discovering critical information about your activities, your business, and yourself.

Why do we need to have threat information opsec?

The OPSEC process identifies critical information and determines when that information may cease to be critical in the life cycle of an operation, program, or activity. Analysis of Threats. The objective of threat analysis is to know as much as possible about each adversary and their ability to target the organization.

How can you protect yourself online and mitigate what is available to the adversary?

Here are 6 steps you can take to better protect yourself from danger.

  1. Take Charge of Your Online Reputation.
  2. Defend your Devices.
  3. Create Strong Passwords.
  4. Use Social Networks More Safely.
  5. Take Extra Steps to Keep Kids Safe.
  6. Protect Sensitive Personal Information.

What are like pieces of a puzzle an unauthorized recipient uses to reveal an image of our operations?

Indicators are like pieces of a puzzle an adversary can use to reveal a picture of our operations. Indicators are like pieces of a puzzle an adversary can use to reveal a picture of our operations. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is a critical information list?

The Critical Information List (CIL) includes specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively against friendly mission accomplishment.

How do you secure yourself from getting in danger?

5 Ways to Avoid Danger

  1. Trust yourself. Many times, your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue will give clues indicating that something threatening is ahead.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings.
  3. Pay attention to the people around you.
  4. Act confident and focused.
  5. Understand that alcohol or drugs can cloud judgment.

Why is protecting yourself online Important?

Staying safe online can help protect you and your loved ones’ identity and personal information from risks like theft. Don’t share personal information like your address or phone number on social media and remember to configure your privacy settings so you know who gets to see what you post.

What are the basic rules in protecting yourself online mil?

Here are our 10 most important tips for staying safe online.

  1. Don’t open mail from strangers.
  2. Make sure your devices are up to date.
  3. Use strong passwords.
  4. Use two-factor authentication.
  5. Don’t click on strange-looking links.
  6. Avoid using unsecured public Wi-Fi.
  7. Back up your data regularly.
  8. Be smart with financial information.

What are the 10 basic rules of netiquette?

10 rules of netiquette for students

  • Make sure identification is clear in all communications.
  • Review what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively.
  • If you wouldn’t say it face to face, don’t say it online.
  • Don’t assume everyone understands where you’re coming from.
  • Don’t spam.
  • Use emoticons.
  • Respect others’ privacy.

How can I protect myself digitally?

Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Identity Online

  1. Use Strong Passwords.
  2. Look for Encryption.
  3. Install Security Suites.
  4. Turn on Web Browser Blacklisting.
  5. Avoid Phishing Scams.
  6. Get Private Data Protection.
  7. Password-Protect Your Wireless Router.
  8. Hide Your Personal Information.

How can we use Internet safely?

Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online

  1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
  2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
  3. Practice Safe Browsing.
  4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
  5. Be Careful What You Download.
  6. Choose Strong Passwords.
  7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
  8. Be Careful What You Post.

How can we use social media safely?

Staying safe on social media

  1. Set your profiles to private. Think carefully about what you post online and who you want to see it.
  2. Remember anything you post can be shared.
  3. Recognise the fakes.
  4. Spring clean your contacts.
  5. Block anyone who bothers you.
  6. Protect your identity.
  7. Avoid the big risks.
  8. Let your friends and family know about your online choices.

What are safe browsing habits?

Answer. Explanation: Use an anti-virus software. When surfing the internet avoid websites that contain illegal software downloads, sexual references, free screensavers, etc. …

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