Which superpower would you like to have?

Which superpower would you like to have?

I’d choose INVISIBILITY, messing with my friends and enemies would be so much more fun than just saving the planet or some other do-gooder superpower. If I could have a superpower, I’d like the ability to control time. I would slow it down because life moves way too fast. My superpower would be telepathy with animals.

What are some unique super powers?

A List of Superpowers That Need Very Little (If Any) Explanation

Accelerated Healing Sonar Night Vision
Wall Crawling Controlling Machines Plant Control
Super Speed Healing Others Unnatural Good Luck
Unbreakable Bones Marksmanship Teleportation
Underwater Breathing Levitation Producing Light

What is the most powerful power?

The US retains its position as the world’s most-powerful country. US News calls it “the world’s most dominant economic and military power” and notes now its “cultural imprint spans the world” thanks to its production of movies, TV, and music.

Who is the weirdest superhero?

The 10 Weirdest Comic Book Superheroes

  • Rocket and Groot (Marvel) Walt Disney Pictures/Marvel.
  • Arm-Fall-Off Boy (DC) DC Comics.
  • Brother Power the Geek (DC) DC Comics.
  • Big Bertha (Marvel) Marvel.
  • Matter-Eater Lad (DC) DC Comics.
  • Multiple Man (Marvel) Marvel.
  • Mogo (DC) DC Comics.
  • Eye-Scream (Marvel) Marvel.

Who is the strangest avenger?

Marvel’s 10 Strangest Superheroes

  • Lockjaw.
  • Rocket Raccoon.
  • MODOK.
  • Fin Fang Foom.
  • Swarm.
  • Dazzler.
  • Beta Ray Bill.
  • Jubilee. Making her first appearance in 1989’s Uncanny X-Men 244, Jubilee is a character that’s taken quite a lot of heat during her time as an X-Men.

Who is the most loved avenger?

Captain America and Iron Man Tie for Favorite Avenger With 53%, While Ladies Love Thor

  • Iron Man – 53%
  • Captain America – 53%
  • Thor – 50%
  • Spider-Man – 39%
  • Doctor Strange – 30%
  • Black Panther – 29%
  • Ant-Man – 29%
  • Captain Marvel – 25%

What is Spiderman’s IQ?

Apart from his physical abilities, Peter is an intellectually-gifted scientific teen genius and has a prodigious aptitude in the physical sciences, with a high IQ level of around 250.

What is Peter Parkers IQ?

Peter Parker has an estimated IQ of about 160. Generally, people with high IQs can only have meaningful discussions with people who also have high IQs.

Why is Lex Luthor evil?

The biggest flaw that has dogged Lex in all incarnations, was his fragile ego. Luthor must prove he is the greatest man who ever lived, so he must do the impossible — he must make a god bleed. That is how/why Lex Luthor is evil; he personifies all that is right with humanity and all that is wrong with it.

Can Lex Luthor beat Superman?

Lex Luthor has been Superman’s arch-nemesis for most of his history, and during that time, Lex has been defeated repeatedly. One of the few times Luthor has managed to get one over on the Man of Steel was in Superman Returns.

How did Lex Luthor die?

Lex died when Oliver used Winslow Schott’s bomb to murder him in a nasty truck explosion. Lex’s clone gets choked by Clark. However, “Lex” died because of the clone’s mutated body. It was revealed that Earth-2 Lex Luthor was killed by his adopted brother Clark Luthor.

Why did Lex kill Lionel?

As Lionel had killed his parents, Lex killed Lionel, proving that he was a product of Lionel’s parenting.

Why did Lex Luthor hate Superman?

Lex knows that second place is just the first loser, and he hates Superman for making him feel inferior.

What makes a superhero a superhero?

A superhero is a person who does heroic deeds and has the ability to do them in a way that a normal person couldn’t. So in order to be a superhero, you need a power that is more exceptional than any power a normal human being could possess, and you need to use that power to accomplish good deeds.

What qualities should a superhero have?

Traits of Superheros

  • Extra Ordinary Abilities and Powers. They are known for their martial and fighting skills.
  • Courageous.
  • Strong Moral Codes.
  • Tolerant to Pain.
  • A Great Sense of Responsibility.
  • Fighting Spirit.
  • Mental Stability.
  • These heroes are faced with many challenges like losing their loved ones-any people die.

What is the role of a superhero?

A superhero or superheroine is a stock character that possesses abilities beyond those of ordinary people, who typically uses his or her powers to help the world become a better place, or is dedicated to protecting the public, and fighting crime.

Is Harley Quinn a superhero?

Harley Quinn has had a very unique journey as a character. After originally debuting as Joker’s abused girlfriend/sidekick, she evolved into an antihero who grew into her own person after being separated from the Clown Prince of Crime. Now, DC Comics has confirmed that Harley is a certified hero.

What mental illness does Harley Quinn have?

Everyone knows Harley Quinn as the Jokers’ girl, but how did she become Harley Quinn? Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn’s life.

Why is Harley Quinn so white?

Unlike the Joker, Harley’s skin is not permanently white in the animated series, as this is reiterated in scenes showing Harley out of costume with a normal skin complexion. Consistent with a new origin, her skin was bleached as the result of being kicked into a vat of acid by the Joker.

Who is the Joker’s girlfriend in Suicide Squad?

Harley Quinn

Does Joker love Harley?

It depends on what Comic or Movie you look at. In most depictions of the relationship Joker does not show any love for Harley (but who knows what goes on in his head anyway) in other depictions the Joker loves Harley just as much as she loves him and sometimes more.

Is the Joker a psychopath or sociopath?

The Joker is clearly a psychopath. He has no conscience. He has no empathy for anybody. He’s this agent of chaos and you’re just not sure, does he really know what he’s doing or not?”

Are Joker and Batman brothers?

Fleck’s mother Penny was a former employee at Wayne Enterprises and wrote letters to Thomas about their affair (he denied it). The revelation is left largely open-ended, but the implication Joker is the older brother of Bruce adds another dimension to the character’s relationship.

Does Joker know Batman is Bruce Wayne?

Throughout their storied relationship, the Joker has known Batman’s true identity and has chosen to ignore it. He simply can’t bring himself to care about Bruce Wayne the human. As Batman sees it, the Joker knew Bruce Wayne owned the Batcave but couldn’t bring himself to admit the Dark Knight was simply a mortal being.

Who actually killed Batman’s parents?

Joe Chill

How old is Joker when Batman’s parents died?

As usually depicted in Batman lore, Bruce is between 8 and 10 years old when his parents die, with Joker actor Dante Pereira Olson about nine years old, giving the Joker version of Bruce Wayne a date of birth somewhere between 1971 and 1973.

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