Which test has to be performed to measure amount of alkali leached from the powdered glass?

Which test has to be performed to measure amount of alkali leached from the powdered glass?

A) POWDERED GLASS TEST : It is done to estimate the amount of alkali leached from the powdered glass which usually happens at the elevated temperatures. When the glass is powdered, leaching of alkali is enhanced, which can be titrated with 0.02N sulphuric acid using methyl red as an indicator .

Why is powdered glass test done?

This test can be used for determining the nature of a glass or for distinguish between two types of glasses, such as neutral or surface – treated.

Which reagent is used in water attack test for evaluation of glass?

Methyl Red Solution (Powdered Glass Test and Water Attack at 121 )— Dissolve 24 mg of methyl red sodium in Purified Water to make 100 mL….

Type General Description Type of Test
I Highly resistant, borosilicate glass Powdered Glass
II Treated soda-lime glass Water Attack
III Soda-lime glass Powdered Glass

Why water attack test is carried out?

The principle involved in the water attack test is to determine whether the alkali leached form the surface of a container is within the specified limits or not. Since the inner surface is under test entire container (ampoule) has to be used.

Which test can differentiate between type 2and Type 3 glass?

ii. Surface Glass Test – used to distinguish Type I and Type II glass containers from Type III glass container. It is based on hydrolytic resistance of the inner surfaces of glass containers.

Which test is done for faulty seal packaging?

If the seal integrity of the packages is not tested appropriately, certain issues arise with the products that result in potential damage to the relationship of the manufacturer with the customers. Hence, seal integrity tester is an important testing machine to test the seal integrity of the products.

Which acid is used in water attack test?

Titrate immediately with 0.02N sulphuric acid using methyl red as an indicator and record the volume. Water Attack Test:– This is only for treated soda lime glass containers under the controlled humidity conditions which neutralize the surface alkali and glass will become chemically more resistant.

In what types of glass are parenterals usually stored?

For parenteral formulations, Type I glass is the most commonly used packaging container. Two common types of Type I glass are available: Molded and Tubular glass. Molded glass containers are manufactured using single heat cycle and contain more alkali content than silicon, promoting greater chemical homogeneity [2].

What is Type 4 glass?

Type IV Glass Containers This type of glass containers contains general-purpose soda lime and they have low hydrolytic resistance. This category of glass containers is the best for products that are meant to be autoclaved because the rate of erosion reaction of the glass containers will be increased.

What are Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 glass for parenteral products?

Type I glass containers are suitable for all products; Type II glass containers are suitable for most acidic and neutral aqueous products and Type III glass containers are suitable for non-parenteral products.

What is type II glass?

Type II Glass: Type II glass containers are made from commercial soda lime glass that has been de-alkalized to obtain a great improvement in chemical resistance by treating the interior surfaces at a high temperature to eat away the alkali on or near the glass surfaces.

What is type1 glass?

TYPE I GLASS / TYPE 1 Also known as “neutral,” type 1 is a borosilicate glass with good chemical resistance. It is used for pharmaceuticals requiring the least reactive containers. Small volume parenterals and diagnostic reagents.

What is Type 2 borosilicate glass?

Borosilicate glass has a high hydrolytic resistance, it is classified as Type I glass. Internal treatment of Type III glass with sulfur-containing compounds can be used to improve the hydrolytic resistance of the glass, it is Type II glass (bulk Type III glass with the same surface resistance as a Type I glass).

What does Type 3 glass mean?

soda-lime glass

What glass is used for injectables?

Glass used for pharmaceutical containers is either borosilicate (neutral) glass or soda-lime-silica glass. Borosilicate glass contains significant amounts of boric oxide, aluminum oxide and alkali and/or alkaline earth oxides. Glass is also classified as Type I, II or III based on intended use.

How do you evaluate a glass container?

Glass containers are classified according to their resistance to chemical attack, a test executed by heating the glass in contact with water for 30 min at 121 degrees C. The USP powdered glass test for glass containers was applied to different kinds of glasses used as containers for parenteral formulations.

What is pharmaceutical grade glass?

Glass used for pharmaceutical containers is either a borosilicate (neutral) glass or soda-lime glass. Borosilicate glass contains a significant amount of boric oxide, aluminum oxide and alkali and/or alkaline earth oxides.

Why are ampoules made of glass?

Ampoules are usually made of glass. Modern ampoules are most commonly used to contain pharmaceuticals and chemicals that must be protected from air and contaminants. The walls of glass ampoules are usually sufficiently strong to be brought into a glovebox without any difficulty.

What are glass vials used for?

A vial (also known as a phial or flacon) is a small glass or plastic vessel or bottle, often used to store medication as liquids, powders or capsules. They can also be used as scientific sample vessels; for instance, in autosampler devices in analytical chromatography.

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