Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal?

Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal?

Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal? The ultimate authority belongs to the gods.

What element of Greek tragedy is honored?


Which situation presented during Scene 2 of the play Antigone is intended to highlight the conflict?

Answer Expert Verified Ismene refuses to help her sister bury Polyneices.” That is the situation that is presented during scene 2 of the play Antigone is intended to highlight the conflict between loyalty to family and civil obedience.

Which rhetorical appeal does Antigone use in an attempt to persuade Ismene to help her bury Polyneices?


Who creates the main conflict for Antigone?

Creon Ismene Haemon

Which theme do the chorus lines reveal?

Divine authority

What do the chorus leader’s lines reveal about Antigone’s tragic flaw?

What do the Chorus Leader s lines reveal about Antigone s tragic flaw? The Chorus Leader’s lines reveal about Antigone’s tragic flaw is that she is stubborn. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What message does the chorus present at the end of the play?

What message does the Chorus present at the end of the play? The gods’ laws should always be obeyed.

How does the audience first become aware of Antigone’s and Haemon’s fate?

How does the audience first become aware of Antigone’s and Haemon’s fate? He realizes that something is wrong and that Creon has displeased the gods. Creon realizes that his actions have caused the deaths of those he loves and blames himself.

What prophecy does Teiresias reveal?

A boy leads in Tiresias, the blind soothsayer of Thebes. Creon swears that he will obey whatever advice Tiresias gives him, since he owes so much to his past advice. Tiresias tells him that his refusal to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the burial will bring the curses of the gods down on Thebes.

What does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune?

Who does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune? She blames the sins of her father, Oedipus.

Why does Antigone kill herself?

When King Creon finds out, he becomes furious and orders Antigone to be walled up alive in a tomb. Rather than live in dishonor, Antigone sees it as her religious duty towards the gods and her brother to take her own life by hanging herself.

What is the best evidence of Antigone as a hero?

Antigone is a hero because she remains true both to the Gods and her brother. Even when faced with death, she refuses to go against either one, choosing to end her own life. Thus, she seals her testimony with her own blood and dies a tragic hero.

What does the Choragos claim is always punished by the gods?

What does the Choragos claim is “always punished” by the gods? the gods always punish “big words” also known as pride.

What was Creon’s punishment for Antigone?

Creon’s punishment for killing Antigone is that he loses his family to death.

Is Creon’s punishment worse than his crime?

Is Creon’s punishment worse than his crime? Creon’s punishment is worse than his crime. Though he deserves punishment for his disobedience of the gods, he does not deserve to lose his loved ones because of crimes he committed. These punishments not only affect him, but his family as well.

What is Creon’s tragic flaw?

In “Antigone” the tragic hero is Creon. He suffers because of his flaw: pride. He cannot imagine that anyone else can be right. He is too inflexible and narrow in outlook to heed criticism or admit a mistake.

Why was Antigone right and Creon wrong?

Antigone was right in defying the King Creon because she had the right to bury her brother and her brother had the right to receive a respectful burial which would honor their family.

Why Creon is the tragic hero?

Creon is the tragic hero because of his error in judgement, stubborn way of ruling Thebes, his change, and all the tragedy brought on by his actions. Although Creon changed only when a messenger told him there would be a tragic ending because of all his actions, he did try to correct what he had done.

Is Creon good or bad?

Character Analysis Creon By the end of the tragedy, Creon proves himself sensible and responsible, a good leader for the now kingless Thebes. As the king of Thebes in Antigone, Creon is a complete autocrat, a leader who identifies the power and dignity of the state entirely with himself.

Why is Creon considered an evil ruler?

King Creon is the antagonist in the play because he refuses to allow Antigone to bury her brother Polyneices, but like the parents who make their children clean their room, his reasoning isn’t all bad. He makes this ruling because Polyneices had attacked Thebes with an army.

Why Creon is a bad ruler?

Creon, the king of Thebes in Antigone is a stubborn and proud dictator who is also cruel and narrow minded. Creon’s weaknesses of excessive pride, cruelty and narrow vision eventually result in the death three innocent people. individual needs. He believes that he has the power to punish Antigone.

What did Creon do that was bad?

Creon exiled Oedipus from Thebes after Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. Creon also declared that Polyneices would not receive a proper burial because he committed treason against his own city. Creon punishes Antigone to death.

Does Creon kill himself?

No, Creon does not kill himself in Antigone. His wife, son, and niece all commit suicide during the course of the play, but Creon refrains from taking…

Is Creon a just king?

After the death of Laius, Creon was the King of Thebes. When the Sphinx started tormenting his city, he proclaimed that anybody who could solve her riddle could have his crown and the hand of his sister, Jocasta. Oedipus solved the riddle, and Creon proved to be a man of his word.

Why does Creon want Polyneices remain unburied?

In part 1 of Antigone, why does Creon want Polyneices to remain unburied? He does not want to honor a traitor. In Scene 3 of Antigone, Part 2, Haimon argues with his father, King Creon.

What did Polynices do wrong?

Polynices therefore decided to raise an army and, with six foreign princes, march on Thebes. He was defeated, he and Eteocles managed to kill each other, and Creon decided Polynices was a traitor. Therefore, Creon refuses to allow him to be buried, a great dishonor.

Why does Creon want to punish Polyneices?

After their death, Creon, brother of Jocasta, ascended to the throne of Thebes and he decreed that Polyneices’ corpse was not to be buried or even mourned because he betrayed his own country. Leaving someone unburied was considered as the ultimate disgrace.

Is Creon justified with his reasons?

Creon & Antigone Because Polyneices left Thebes and fought against his own people, Creon felt he was justified in not burying Polyneices’ body. He believed his actions were morally right and the best option for maintaining control over Thebes.

Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal?

Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal?

Which theme do the tragic deaths of Haemon and Eurydice reveal? The ultimate authority belongs to the gods.

What is revealed about Creon through haemon’s dialogue?

What is revealed about Creon through Haemon’s dialogue? Creon is a lonely man. Creon prefers to rely on his own wisdom. Creon prefers to rely on his own wisdom.

What is Antigone’s attitude about her death sentence?

What is the chorus’ view of Antigone’s death? They are indifferent, though they blame her and are bitter.

Who does the chorus blame for Antigone’s situation?


Why did Zeus punish the rebels?

Zeus is one of the powerful gods of Greek mythology. In the story of Antigone by Sophocles, he punishes the rebels. It is because he despises the arrogance and proud persona of the rebels. He hates someone who denies a burial, however, Creon fails to look into his message.

What edict has Creon issued?

As king, Creon decrees that son of the former king, rebel Polynices, shall not be buried and shall rot in the open as an example to others that would think of taking action against the state. Anyone attempting to bury Polynices would be killed for actions amounting to a collaboration with the dead rebel.

Why does Polyneices visit his father?

Polynices wants to see his father so that the old man’s powers will guarantee him victory. 5. Polynices begins the dialogue with his father as a contrite son seeking forgiveness and hoping to set right all the wrongs of the past.

What does Creon value?

More specifically, upholding and maintaining laws once those laws are put into effect. In the very beginning of Antigone, Creon – quite frankly – spells out that he values the status of the state over any personal friendships.

What does Creon want the chorus for?

What does Creon tell the chorus he plans to do? He will not put Ismene to death, but Antigone will be walled up inside a cave. If she starves to death, the gods cannot blame Thebes for her death.

Why does Creon order that Eteocles be buried with honors?

Why does Creon order that Eteocles be buried with great honors, but that Polynices’ body be left to rot on the battlefield where it lay. Creon orders this because he wants to honor the noble Eteocles and dishonor Polynices, since he is a traitor. There are four gods that the chorus refers to in their first appearance.

Who does Teiresias blame for the anger of the gods?


What is Creon’s attitude toward Teiresias?

It suggests that the gods are angry about the refusal of Polyneices to be buried. 101. How and why does Creon’s attitude toward Teiresias change during the scene? He gets angry because Teiresias questions his decision and says the gods are angry about his decision.

What excuse does Creon give for refusing to listen to Teiresias advice?

Tiresias tells him that as he refuses to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the same reason, god will curse people of Thebes. On hearing this, Creon calls him a false prophet and refuse to list to his advice. Explanation: In ”The Oedipus Plays”, Tiresias is the blind soothsayer of Thebes.

What happens to Creon at the end of the play?

Creon survives at the end of the play, retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Haemon, Creon’s son, commits suicide after Antigone’s death. Eurydice, Creon’s wife, commits suicide after hearing of the death of her son Haemon.

Why did Creon change his mind?

In your opinion, what causes Creon to change his mind? Creon changes his mind when Teiresias tells him of the omen at Polyneices’ body, and the chorales advises him to build a tomb and release Antigone.

Who attempts to kill Creon?


What is Antigone’s motive for refusing Ismene’s help?

What is Ismene’s response? Ismene refuses to help Antigone, because she does not want to break the law by going against Creon or other because she realizes the consequences would be extreme since she is a woman.

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