Which three tools of the trade do you think are most important and why?
Trade plays a major role in the cultural, religious, and artistic exchanges. Therefor location, profit and product are the most important tools of the trade.
How does getting things in writing help resolve conflicts?
How does getting things in writing help resolve conflicts? The other person is unlikely to have written it down. It clarifies what the agreement was. You can prove the other person wrong.
Why do both a fashion and interior designer need a sketchbook?
Explanation: they need outlines before they actually make them so that they wont mess up or so that if the customer does not like it they can fix it.
What is the difference between a buyer and a sales representative?
Terms in this set (18) What is the difference between a buyer and a sales representative? The buyer works for retail outlets and the sales representative works for designers.
Why is it hard to break into the fashion industry?
Why is it hard to break into the fashion industry? Production machinery is becoming increasingly computerized. Only people who are outgoing and good at selling themselves are well suited for the fashion and interior design industry.
Why are fashion shows generally a season ahead?
Fashion designers often borrow from past styles and trends for their designs. Why are fashion shows generally a season ahead of retail fashion? So that buyers know what to buy for the upcoming season. Why are computer skills useful for technical designers?
Which Fashion Week is the biggest?
Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week are the most known Fashion Weeks around the world, attracting buyers, the media, celebrities, top models and designers who proudly present their latest collections.
How many seasons are in fashion?
two seasons
Which of the following is the best definition of fashion answer?
Answer: Fashion also alludes to the way in which things are made; to fashion something is to make it in a particular form. Most commonly, fashion is defined as the prevailing style of dress or behavior at any given time, with the strong implication that fashion is characterized by change.
What is fashion in general?
Fashion is an aesthetic expression, at a particular period and place and in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body proportions.
What is fashion in simple words?
Fashion is the form of clothing, accessories, and furniture. It can be used by everyone. It is related to culture, For example, we have warm clothes in the Swedish fashion and we have thin clothes in the African fashion.
What is fashion and why is it important?
Clothes help to keep people ready for whatever they may face in life but fashion keeps up with the current crazes and changes that we all face so that we’re ready for whatever life throws our way. Fashion can also be a part of people’s culture.
What are the advantages of fashion?
The benefits of following fashion trends
- Fashion tells us about a person. One importance of looking at fashion is that it speaks a lot about you.
- Fashion protects. Apart from wearing fashion clothes to protect us from various elements, fashion can tell us what to wear.
- Fashion save time.
- Helps you keep up with the modern world.
- Creates Positive first impression.
What is the main purpose of fashion?
“The purpose of fashion is to negate our persistent fear of death. Decorating ourselves in particular things helps to craft an identity, which creates the illusion of permanency. If we buy things and we define the way we look, it makes our existence feel more real and everlasting.
How does fashion impact society?
Fashion affects the social aspects of life. Thus fashion benefits and stimulates society, in the process promoting creativity. Fashion also has negative impacts. For instance, it diverts peoples’ attention from other important activities and affects the self-esteem of people who cannot afford certain clothing.
What are the negative effects of fashion?
The Negative Effects of Fashion On Young Minds
- Low self-esteem. According to essay help, low self-esteem arises when you start thinking that the people around you are better, smarter and more effective than you.
- Extreme competition.
- Addiction and Guilt.
- Work pressure.
- Poor body image.
- Mental Illness.
- Copying others.
What are the types of fashion?
Let us explore some of these fashion styles one by one.
- Vintage fashion style.
- Artsy fashion style.
- Casual fashion style.
- Grunge style clothing.
- Chic fashion style.
- Bohemian fashion style.
- Sexy fashion Style.
- Exotic fashion style.
What is the best definition of fashion?
(Entry 1 of 2) 1a(1) : the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time The spring fashions are now on display. (2) : a garment in such a style always wears the latest fashions. b : a prevailing custom, usage, or style Literary fashions have changed in recent years.
What is the purpose of dresses?
Perhaps the most obvious function of dress is to provide warmth and protection. Many scholars believe, however, that the first crude garments and ornaments worn by humans were designed not for utilitarian but for religious or ritual purposes.
Did Jesus wear a dress?
The sayings of Jesus are generally considered the more accurate parts of the Gospels, so from this we can assume that Jesus really did not wear such robes. Overall a man in Jesus’s world would wear a knee-length tunic, a chiton, and a woman an ankle-length one, and if you swapped these around it was a statement.
Why do humans cover their private parts?
Nudity, for most of human history, has been associated with poverty or manual labor, not sexuality. So when the Bible says to clothe the poor, they literally mean to take your one garment that you own and give it away to that naked homeless guy, which was altruistic because nights in arid regions get very cold.
Which country does not wear clothes?
It is the case that in the village of Spielplatz in Britain, people have been living without clothes for the last 85 years. Whether you go out or go to someone’s house, people remain naked. Many pictures of this quaint village went viral on social media.
Is it illegal not to wear a bra?
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against any individual under the protected category of sex. “A dress code could require women to wear bras in theory, but only if it was equally expensive or burdensome for men to do so,” Scafidi said.
What is the oldest known fabric?
Some of the oldest excavated fabrics have been traced back to civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. The oldest clothing item recorded is the linen Tarkhan dress from Egypt’s first Dynasty approximately 5,000 years ago.
Which one is the best example for mixed Fibre?
Blended fabrics are created when two or more different kinds of fibres are mixed together to create a new fabric with unique properties. Polyester and cotton, which combines the properties of natural and synthetic fibres, is one of the most common blended fabrics. for example : Nylon.
What is man made Fibre give example?
Manmade fibres are made from various chemicals, or are regenerated from plant fibres. Examples of manmade fibres are: polyester; polyamide – (nylon); acrylics; viscose, made from wood bark; Kevlar, a high-performance fibre; and Nomex, a high-performance fibre.