Which topic sentence should be added to this body paragraph?

Which topic sentence should be added to this body paragraph?

Answer. The topic sentence which must be added is as follows – ” Acquaintances made while volunteering for a project are rarely continued beyond the project’s conclusion. ” This sentence is the most appropriate because benefits and methods of volunteering have been already discussed above.

Which topic best completes the idea web?

Value of volunteering

What is one way to brainstorm a topic for an informative essay?

One way to brainstorm a topic for an informative essay is to decide the purpose for writing the essay. present an opinion on a topic. use prior knowledge about a topic.

Which are required of a thesis statement for an informative essay select 3 options?

The optios required of a thesis statement for an informative essay are optiosn B, C and D. An informative essay provides reliable and accurated proved information on a topic. They may have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to.

What is a good thesis statement for an informative essay?

Are you working on an informative essay? If so, then one of your biggest challenges is to write a thesis statement. Your thesis statement will explain what your essay is all about, and it’s an important way of summarizing your major findings and setting the stage for your readers.

What is a full outline?

The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the Alphanumeric outline. The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay.

What is the first thing to do when planning what speech to write?

Key Points Before you can begin writing your speech, you must first establish the main topic about which you plan to speak. Brainstorm early and often! You can try a variety of techniques to get your mental juices flowing, from clustering to free writing.

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