Which type of chart would best be used to show the average daily temperature each month in a given year?

Which type of chart would best be used to show the average daily temperature each month in a given year?

Explanation: A bar graph is used to display information falling under certain category for various groups or sub groups. Here average temperature for 30 months is to be shown and hence bar graph will be the most appropriate tool to represent it.

What kind of graph is used to show the average temperature?

A climate graph displays yearly temperature and precipitation statistics for a particular location. Temperature (oC) is measured using the numbers on the left hand side of the chart. The average temperature for each month is plotted on the graph with a red dot and the dots are then connected in a smooth, red line.

What would increase average global temperature?

Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.

What is the overall temperature trend?

According to NOAA’s 2020 Annual Climate Report the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit ( 0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880; however, the average rate of increase since 1981 (0.18°C / 0.32°F) has been more than twice that rate.

Is 10 degrees hot or cold?


Temperature °C What might be at this temperature How it feels
10 Cold
15 Cool
20 Room indoors Warm
25 Warm room Warm to hot

Is 10 degrees cold for a house?

8-10C is pretty cold.

At what temperature will a human freeze?

32 degrees Fahrenheit

Is 13 degrees t shirt weather?

13C/55F if it’s sunny, and not too windy.

Is 13 degrees warm or cold?

13-18°C : Cool – getting uncomfortable, especially when it’s too dry or windy. Can be balmy under a high sun with no wind. 5-12°C : Very cool.

Is 18 degrees warm enough for shorts?

It depends at temperatures of 13(55.4) to 18(64.4). When it is above 18 degrees but below 24(78.8) ,I am more comforable with shorts but still can wear pants or jeans. When it get warm at higher than 24 degrees , I will wear shorts.

Is 55 too cold for shorts?

A recent survey asked people to give the lowest temperature they thought was warm enough to wear shorts. The most common answer was between 61° – 70° with 25% of the vote.

Is 19 degrees cold in a house?

The ideal temperature in the living room is between 19 and 22°. This is where you spend a lot of time – and often for long periods sitting still – so it’s likely that you might get a bit more chilly.

Is 19 degrees warm or cold?

Hot:84-99 F (29-37.5 C) Warm:70-84 F (21-29 C) Cool:55-69 F (13-21 C) Cold: Below 55 F (Below 13 C)

Is 19 degrees warm enough to swim?

No, it’s not too dangerous unless you stay in the water for a long time. Us humans can usually keep our body temps up to near normal in 19c water for awhile. Much below 19, it’s more difficult to keep the temp going – you will go into hypothermia much sooner.

Is 58 degrees too cold for a house?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends indoor temperatures of at least 64°F (you can drop that down to 62°F at night if you’re really looking to save on your heating bill). But if you have infants, sick or elderly people in your household, then it’s recommended that you keep the thermostat set at 70°F.

Is 23 degrees hot or cold?

Thus, negative 23 degrees would be 43 to 45 degrees below the human comfort level, and therefore we may consider it to be cold relative to human ideals. If you are speaking in terms of absolute zero, or colder than absolute zero, then -23 degrees is pretty warm.

What do you wear on a 22 degree day?

Winter’s just around the corner, so here are seven outfit combinations to wear in 20-degree weather.

  • Midi Skirt + Sweater. Collage Vintage.
  • Trench + Wide-Leg Pants.
  • Plaid Pants + Sleek Button-Down.
  • Summery Dress + Overcoat.
  • Light Jackets + Silk Scarves.
  • Short Skirt + Tall Socks.
  • High-Slit Skirt + Over-the-Knee Boots.

Is 22 degrees hot or cold?

22 degrees is considered hot by Antarctic standards. At the same time it might be cold for people living on the equator. 22 º C is too hot for a beer, but 22 Fahrenheit is when it starts to freeze. 22 Fahrenheit is -5.5 º C, that’s cold for August in Canada.

Is 27 degrees hot or cold?

1 Answer. Nice warm weather: 72–81 degrees Fahrenheit, or 22–27 degrees Celsius. Cold frosty weather: 0 degrees Fahrenheit, or –18 degrees Celsius.

Is 27 degrees hot enough to tan?

There is no minimum temperature for getting a tan as the UV rays are not reduced by cold or hot weather. It is the sun altitude and cloudiness that has the effect of the amount of UV rays colliding with you.

Is 24 degrees hot enough to tan?

The truth is that the air temperature has absolutely no effect on whether a person’s skin tans. In fact, it’s possible to get a tan even if the air temperature is extremely cold.

Is 30 degrees too hot?

If it is the body temperature, the person have a severe hypothermia and is in need of immediate treatment to raise the body temperature. In “warmer” countries close to Equator, 30 degrees Celsius air temperature probably is considered as a good temperature.

What is the highest temperature you can legally work in?

There’s no law for minimum or maximum working temperatures, eg when it’s too cold or too hot to work. However, guidance suggests a minimum of 16ºC or 13ºC if employees are doing physical work. There’s no guidance for a maximum temperature limit.

Why do I feel so hot at 30 degrees?

Your skin is much cooler than that because it’s continually exchanging heat with your surroundings. When the ambient temperature is 30°C, the temperature gradient between your core and your skin is shallower, so convection and radiation aren’t enough to dissipate heat as fast as it is generated.

Why is my body hot but no fever?

People may feel hot without a fever for many reasons. Some causes may be temporary and easy to identify, such as eating spicy foods, a humid environment, or stress and anxiety. However, some people may feel hot frequently for no apparent reason, which could be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Why do I feel cold but my body is hot?

Feeling cold is most often due to actually being in a cold environment. In some cases, such as with infections, you may feel cold despite being quite warm. Other reasons for feeling cold include hypothyroidism, anemia, bacterial or viral infection, and hypothermia.

What is the best house temperature?

Depending on the season, the ideal house temperature for both comfort and efficiency is between 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer, the recommended thermostat setting is 78 degrees F. In the winter, 68 degrees is recommended for energy savings.

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