Which was a major reason for the cultural advancements during the Renaissance period?

Which was a major reason for the cultural advancements during the Renaissance period?

Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the Renaissance following the Middle Ages, such as: increased interaction between different cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, the emergence of humanism, different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of conflict …

Which social group rose to prominence during the Renaissance and was responsible for much of Renaissance culture?

The middle class played a significant role in making Renaissance successful. The city of Florence was ruled by the rising merchant class and the influential Medici family of Florence and the Borgia family of Rome patronised art, architecture and literature while the aristocracy was expelled from the cities.

What is a major reason the renaissance began in the Italian city-states?

The Renaissance began in the Italian city-states because they had the wealth from the commerce and trade of the Middle Ages. For some time, Venice had outfitted the crusaders and was the conduit for the silk and spice trade from India and China.

What city is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance?


WHO listed qualities of a courtier?

Count Baldassare Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier (1528), as your question suggests, is a detailed discussion among a group of Italian aristocrats, ladies and gentlemen, about the physical and mental qualities of an ideal courtier in sixteenth century Italy, one who is both an ornament to his prince and a …

What is the main idea of the courtier?

The main themes of The Book of the Courtier are gender roles and political/social etiquette. Books One, Two, and Four define the rules of political and social etiquette for a male courtier, while Book Three discusses the rules of conduct for a noble lady.

What are the three basic attributes of the perfect courtier?

Describes three basic attributes of the perfect courtier. Nobles must have impeccable character, grace, talents, and noble birth. Nobles must also participate in military and bodily exercises, since the principal profession of a courtier was bearing arms.

What activity does Castiglione think is the most important for a courtier?

What activity does Castiglione think is most important for a courtier? The ideal courtier is skilled in the use of arms, according to Castiglione, and wields them with vigor. To balance these military skills, the ideal courtier is also knowledgeable about the humanities.

What important quality does Castiglione say a princess courtier must have?

“This Courtier must be endowed by nature with beauty of countenance and person, and with a grace that shall make him so agreeable.”

What did a courtier need to be successful?

The key commodities for a courtier were access and information, and a large court operated at many levels: many successful careers at court involved no direct contact with the monarch.

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