Which was the major invention of IBM in the sixties which transformed not only IBM but the industry in general?

Which was the major invention of IBM in the sixties which transformed not only IBM but the industry in general?

IBM’s first experiments with computers in the 1940s and 1950s were modest advances on the card-based system. Its great breakthrough came in the 1960s with its System/360 family of mainframe computers.

What were computers used for in the 1960s?

By the mid 1960’s the computer was seen as an information processor, being part of a management information system. Advertisers stressed the “flexibility, versatility, expandability, and …the capacity of the computer to make logical decisions.” IBM in particular was very successful during this decade.

How much did a computer cost in 1960?

The cost of the computer system was over one million dollars and one million dollars was a lot more in the 1960’s than it is today. This was a moderately priced computer. Many computers of the time cost about five million.

How much did a computer cost in 1970?

An IBM mainframe computer in 1970 (pictured above) cost $4.6 million and ran at a speed of 12.5 MHz (12.5 million instructions per second), which is a cost of $368,000 per MHz.

What technology was popular in the 60’s?

These are the six technological advancements from the 1960s that changed the world forever:

  • DRAM (the stuff in your computer)
  • Telstar, the First Commercial Satellite.
  • BASIC Programming Language.
  • LEDs and Electroluminescent Panels.
  • Direct Distance Dialing.
  • The birth of the Internet (sort of)

What was big in the 60s?

The Sixties dominated by the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests, the 60s also saw the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Cuban Missile Crisis, and finally ended on a good note when the first man is landed on the moon .

What things were invented in the 60s?

Inventions of the 1960s

  • 1960 – Halogen Lamp Invented.
  • 1961 – Cordless Tools Invented.
  • 1962 – Satellite Television Invented.
  • 1964 – Flymo Mower Invented.
  • 1965 – Contact Lenses Invented.
  • 1966 – AstroTurf Invented.
  • 1967 – Fan-Assisted Ovens Invented.
  • 1968 – Computer Mouse Invented.

What is the most advanced country?

Finland, the world’s most technologically advanced country – UN report. Finland ranks first in the world, ahead of the USA, as the world’s most technologically advanced country, according to a recent report compiled by the United Nations development programme (UNDP).

Which country has the best technology in the world?

Countries With the Highest Technological Expertise

  • Japan.
  • South Korea.
  • China.
  • United States.
  • Germany.
  • Russia.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Singapore.

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