Who are the main character in chains?
The main characters in Chains are Isabel Finch, Ruth Finch, and Curzon Bellingham. Isabel Finch, the novel’s protagonist and narrator, is a teenage girl struggling to free herself and her sister from slavery during the Revolutionary War.
Who are all the characters in the book chains?
- Isabel.
- Curzon.
- Ruth.
- Master Elihu Lockton.
- Madam Anne Lockton.
- Lady Clarissa Seymour.
- Becky Berry.
- Bellingham.
Is Isabel a Patriot or Loyalist?
Isabel may be loyal to her friends and family, but one of the biggest pickles she finds herself in is figuring out whether she’s a Patriot or a Loyalist. On one hand, Becky tells that she shares the family’s political views by default: “‘Them that feeds us […] they’re Loyalists, Tories.
Who is the protagonist of chains?
Isabel, the protagonist of Chains is a 13-year-old slave girl owned by a kind Rhode Island woman named Mary Finch. Kind might seem like a poor word choice given that the woman is a slave owner, but in the context of the arduous challenges Isabel is about to face, kind might be the most appropriate word.
Does Ruth die in chains?
Her death will be on your head, you insolent fool. Isabel thus discovers that Ruth is not actually lost and she resolves to do everything she can to rescue her and bring her to safety.
Who dies in the book chains?
Synopsis. Isabel and her younger sister, Ruth, were supposed to be released from slavery as promised by the will of their owner, Miss Mary Finch, when she died.
Does Curzon die in chains?
She demands that they give him his hat and blanket back, and tells them she will not bring them anymore food Curzon dies. Dibdin wants Isabel to take a message to Captain Morse.
What happened to Becky in chains?
Sadly, Becky is of poor health and suffers from ailments throughout the book. She disappears when the British invade New York.
What happened in Chapter 7 of chains?
Lady Clarissa Seymour, Lockton’s rich aunt, is dropping by later that day to hear the news of the Boston Uprising. Becky explains that while the Locktons don’t like Lady Seymour much, she gets whatever she wants every time she visits because they stand to inherit a ton of her money when she dies.
What happened in Chapter 8 of chains?
Becky warns Isabel not to cross Madam concerning her sister, because she’s known to be particularly harsh on disobedient slaves. Because Ruth is with Madam all the time, she and Isabel never see each other anymore. Lying awake at night, Isabel begins to consider Curzon’s offer to become a spy for the rebels…
What happened in Chapter 5 of chains?
When Madam asks which one of the girls was laughing at her, Isabel quickly takes the blame, and Madam smacks her cheek harder than Isabel has ever been hit before in her life. The Great Underwear Chest Debacle is resolved and it’s decided that the Locktons can return home with it.
What happened in chapter 4 of chains?
By Laurie Halse Anderson Isabel finds herself secretly hoping for a shipwreck, preferably at a place that doesn’t have slavery. She thinks about Momma and Poppa and how much they’d hurt if they knew what was happening to her and Ruth.
What happened in chapter 16 of chains?
After the disaster with Ruth’s seizure, Isabel finally realizes that there’s no way out: She and her sister have to get out of New York, and the plot to kill Washington is powerful enough to help them do it. Isabel breaks into Lockton’s library desk and steals the list of names, then sneaks out of the house.
What happened in chapter 21 of chains?
Chapter 21 starts off in Isabel’s dream. In this dream, she is on a beach and is scared by eels, afraid they would bite her. When Isabel wakes up, she realized Ruth isn’t there. Becky let Isabel know the horrible truth that Madam Lockton has sold Ruth and Isabel can’t find her.
What happened in chapter 11 of chains?
After her delivery of the news of the Loyalists’ bribery to the rebels, Isabel’s feeling a renewed sense of optimism. Sooner or later, Bellingham will bust into the house, arrest the Locktons, and whisk her and Ruth away to freedom. Finally, Isabel’s wish comes true, and Bellingham arrives with a team of soldiers.
Who is Lady Seymour in chains?
Lady Seymour is Elihu Lockton’s rich aunt. She gives off the impression that she is a Loyalist to the outside world, but inside, she harbors deep sympathies for the Patriots as well as for the slaves.
What happened in chapter 10 of chains?
By Laurie Halse Anderson At bedtime, Isabel puts her plan into action Mission Impossible style (cue the music). She sneaks up the cellar stairs, prepared to tell anyone who sees her that she’s going to the privy (a.k.a. outdoor bathroom), though in reality, she’s going to bring news of Lockton’s bribery to Curzon.
Who is Becky in chains?
Becky is the head servant to the Locktons in New York. She’s mainly in charge of the cooking, but she also decides which work is to be done by which slave or servant.
What warning does Becky give Isabel in chains?
What advice does Becky give Isabel in chains?
Becky tells Isabel, “Don’t stop moving, whatever you do.” The advice essentially tells Isabel to always look busy in order to avoid unfair punishment.