Who attacked Mason in Jane Eyre?

Who attacked Mason in Jane Eyre?

Bertha Mason

What is ominous about the arrival of Mr Mason?

What is ominous about the arrival of Mr. Mason? upon his arrival, Jane finds out that Mr. Rochester traveled the west indies with Mr. Mason, which he had never told anyone.

What kind of injury did Mr Mason suffer?

What type of injury does Mr. Mason sustain? He’s stabbed and bitten.

How does Rochester assert dominance over Jane?

Rochester, who is described as “masterful” throughout the novel, is trying to assert his power over Jane by telling her to come to the south of France with him as his mistress and not to leave Thornfield, however Jane remains “indomitable” in an effort to maintain her identity.

What does Jane Eyre say about social class?

She says, “I should not like to belong to poor people” (36) and “I should not like to go a-begging” (36). To Jane, at least as a child, it is better to live in a wealthy household as an unwanted outsider than to be part of a poor family.

How does Jane Eyre go against society?

Through this tragic story, Jane highlights the strict social class structure that stood in Victorian England during this time. Jane’s parents clearly went against society’s expectations by marrying from different social classes and as a result, they were disowned by family and friends.

How does Jane Eyre conform to society?

Jane Eyre is a novel about conformity; a novel about, yes, rebelling against one’s given circumstances, but, more importantly, about learning to follow the protocols of society. At the beginning of the book, Jane is a young girl struggling to survive the seemingly harsh rule of her adoptive family.

Why is social class important in Jane Eyre?

In Brontë’s Jane Eyre social class is a recurring theme, as class dictates what a character can and can’t do and how they are viewed by others. This is because in the Victorian period, class determined how an individual lived their life.

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