Who birthed the Internet?

Who birthed the Internet?

Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.

Where was online born?

Research at CERN in Switzerland by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989–90 resulted in the World Wide Web, linking hypertext documents into an information system, accessible from any node on the network.

How was Internet born?

January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. ARPANET and the Defense Data Network officially changed to the TCP/IP standard on January 1, 1983, hence the birth of the Internet.

What is the oldest video on the Internet?

Me at the zoo

Do dislikes hurt YouTube videos?

Reports have suggested that a video with a high number of dislikes — that outweighs the number of positive likes — is less likely to be recommended, and could therefore hurt the creator’s channel.

Why do YouTubers ask for likes?

Youtubers make content and share on YouTube. They want to know about his content by which in future they make better content to get more viewers. Because of this they ask viewers to like comment and subscribe his channel.

How much money does YouTube pay for 1m views in India?

So, without losing time, let us know immediately how much YouTube Pay for 1 Million Views in India in rupees 2020….How Much YouTube Pay For 1 Million Views In India?

Channel Category Earning (approx)
1. Comedy Channel $300- $400
2. Music Channel $100- $150
3. Tech Channel $200- $300
4. Roasting Channel $250- $400

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