Who can Medusa turn to stone?

Who can Medusa turn to stone?

Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone. The hero Perseus was sent on a quest to kill Medusa. He was able to defeat the Gorgon by lopping off her head, which he was able to do by fighting her reflection in his highly polished shield. He later used her head as a weapon to turn enemies to stone.

Why did Perseus turn Polydectes into stone?

When Perseus returned to Seriphos with the Gorgon’s head, he found that, in his absence, his mother was threatened and abused by Polydectes, and had to seek refuge in a temple. When Polydectes and his nobles gazed upon the prize, they were then turned to solid stone.

Who gave Perseus winged sandals?

The Graeae told Perseus about some nymphs and where to find them. And when Perseus found the nymphs, they gave him three important gifts: winged sandals, which would allow him to fly through the air; a cap of darkness, which would make him invisible; and a special metallic pouch for Medusa’s head.

What did Perseus do with Medusa’s head?

Perseus Uses Medusa’s Head as a Weapon Perseus slew the monster and rescued Andromeda from the rock. Perseus used the head of Medusa to turn Phineus into stone. Perseus and Andromeda returned to see King Polydectes and set his mother free. Perseus used the head of Medusa to turn Polydectes into stone.

Who are the 3 Virgin Goddesses?

Hestia, Artemis and Iphigeneia, and Athena. Greek goddesses virgin in the sense of sexual abstinence by an adult woman were Hestia, Artemis, and Athena.

What are Athena’s weaknesses?

Athena’s strengths: Rational, intelligent, a powerful defender in war but also a potent peacemaker. Athena’s weaknesses: Reason rules her; she is not usually emotional or compassionate but she does have her favorites, such as the beleaguered heroes Odysseus and Perseus.

Who did Hephaestus impregnate?

So as he ejaculated, his semen fell on her leg. Athena wiped Hephaestus semen, with scrap of wool, from her leg and threw it upon the earth. The goddess of earth, Gaea, was accidentally impregnated by the semen of Hephaestus and bore a son Erichthonius.

Who did Hephaestus have a child with?


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