Who coined the term epistemic violence?

Who coined the term epistemic violence?

The concept of epistemic violence has been further developed by the black feminist philosopher Kristie Dotson in more recent years

What is epistemic exclusion?

We discuss epistemic exclusion as a form of academic gatekeeping that impedes the recruitment, advancement, and retention of faculty of color and offer strategies to address this barrier (

What makes something an epistemic injustice?

Epistemic injustice is the idea that we can be unfairly discriminated against in our capacity as a knower based on prejudices about the speaker, such as gender, social background, ethnicity, race, sexuality, tone of voice, accent, and so o

What is a hermeneutical injustice?

According to Miranda Fricker, a hermeneutical injustice occurs when there is a deficit in our shared tools of social interpretation (the collective hermeneutical resource), such that marginalized social groups are at a disadvantage in making sense of their distinctive and important experiences

What is contributory injustice?

Contributory injustice, in philosophical parlance, occurs when a marginalized group’s explanations for their marginalization are summarily dismissed or ignored by mainstream societ

What is the difference of rhetoric is epistemic versus if it is not?

What is the difference if rhetoric is epistemic versus if it is not? In my own words, I understand epistemic to be the process of doing different things and creating/building new knowledge from doing so If rhetoric is not epistemic we would lack achieving threshold concepts and evolving our learning and communicatio

What is the description of what occurs in the central kinds of cases of testimonial injustice according to Fricker?

This was, says Fricker, a case of testimonial injustice, which occurs when “prejudice causes a hearer to give a deflated level of credibility to a speaker’s word”

What is hermeneutical marginalization?

Hermeneutical marginalization is always a form of powerlessness, whether structural or one-off It is: the injustice of having some significant area of one’s social experience obscured from collective understanding owing to persistent and wide-ranging hermeneutical marginalizatio

What is identity Power Miranda Fricker?

Identity power: “an operation of power that depends in some significant degree upon such shared imaginative conceptions of social identity” (14) Credibility excess: Unwarranted, the speaker receives more credibility than they would otherwise have; not a core case of testimonial injustice

What is credibility deficit?

When a speaker incurs a testimonial injustice, she is given a credibility deficit by the hearer(s), meaning her words or testimony are perceived as less credible than they ought to b

What credibility means?

the quality or power of inspiring belief

What is hermeneutic injustice?

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