Who convinced French to provide aid to Americans?

Who convinced French to provide aid to Americans?

On February 6, 1778, Benjamin Franklin and the other two commissioners, Arthur Lee and Silas Deane, signed a Treaty of Alliance and a Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France.

Who was sent to France at the beginning of the American Revolution to ask for help?

The most famous was Lafayette, a charming young aristocrat who defied the king’s order and enlisted in 1777 at age 20. He became an aide to George Washington and a combat general. More importantly, he solidified a favorable American view of France.

How was Edmond Genet executed?

Ordinary seaman (U.S.) Edmond Charles Clinton Genet (November 9, 1896 – April 17, 1917) was the first American flier to die in the First World War after the United States declared war against Germany, shot down by anti-aircraft artillery on April 17, 1917.

What ambassador was sent by the Americans to France to gain their help against the British?


Would the US win without France?

It is highly improbable that the United States could have won its independence without the assistance of France, Spain, and Holland. Fearful of losing its sugar colonies in the West Indies, Britain was unable to concentrate its military forces in the American colonies.

Could the American Revolution have been successful without the help of the French?

Probably not. The French are often portrayed in US history as only being involved in the Revolutionary War after the victory at Saratoga. In actuality it was much earlier than that and without their help, the war would’ve more than likely been lost quickly.

What if the French never helped us in the Revolutionary War?

Plainly stated, if France hadn’t supported the United States during the American Revolution, there wouldn’t be a United States today. George Washington was a great general, but the Continental Army simply didn’t have the money, men, training, or seafaring vessels necessary to defeat the British.

What factors helped America win the Revolutionary War?

Factors Contributing to the American Victory

  • Alliance with France. Arguably the single most important of Benjamin Franklin’s many contributions to his nation was securing a French alliance during the revolution.
  • British Debt.
  • Distance.
  • Familiarity with the Territory.
  • Hearts and Minds.

Did America ever pay back France?

In 1795, the United States was finally able to settle its debts with the French Government with the help of James Swan, an American banker who privately assumed French debts at a slightly higher interest rate. Swan then resold these debts at a profit on domestic U.S. markets.

Which countries have no debt?

10 Countries with the Lowest Debt Available

  • Brunei (GDP: 2.46%) Brunei is one of the countries with the lowest debt.
  • Afghanistan (GDP: 6.32%)
  • Estonia (GDP: 8.12%)
  • Botswana (GDP: 12.84%)
  • Congo (GDP: 13.31%)
  • Solomon Islands (GDP: 16.41%)
  • United Arab Emirates (GDP: 19.35%)
  • Russia (GDP: 19.48%)

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