Who did Lincoln replaced McClellan with?

Who did Lincoln replaced McClellan with?

Ambrose E. Burnside

What problem plagued Lincoln as the war wore on?

The answer would have to be D. The only problem he was mostly worried about, was the problem of slaves.

Why was food Perhaps the fatal flaw for the South in the Civil War and how did the problem of food get worse as the war progressed?

Food shortage during the Civil War affected many Southerners on the home front. The Union blockade of southern ports added to the shortages in the South. Making a bad situation worse was the hoarding of food by speculators, who hoped to reap huge profits by selling items at inflated prices.

What did the union do to Confederate ports was it effective?

When the blockade began in 1861, it was only partially effective. It has been estimated that only one in ten ships trying to evade the blockade were intercepted. However, the Union Navy gradually increased in size throughout the war, and was able to drastically reduce shipments into Confederate ports.

Why was the civil war so costly in terms of human lives?

Over half of all deaths were caused by disease. As a result of poor sanitation, primitive medical practices, and contaminated water supplies, the average regiment lost half its fighting strength from disease during the first year. This letter underscores the war’s human cost.

Did soldiers starve in the Civil War?

In the early days of the Civil War, people sent food and clothing to their family members in the army. As the war went on, and the men were away for longer periods, there was less to send. The women noted that without the men they could not plant as many crops. The farmwives wrote, “Famine is staring us in the face.

What was the bloodiest day in US history?


What did Civil War soldiers drink?

Whiskey the Drink of Choice for Most Soldiers Whiskey was far and away the most popular drink in 1861. Often made from corn instead of grain, it was distilled at countless locations across the country.

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