Who did Malinowski study?
Search for: What is Bronislaw Malinowski known for?
What did Malinowski study in the Trobriand Islands?
Search for: Who is Bronislaw Malinowski and what role did he play in anthropology?
How did Malinowski define fieldwork?
Unlike the ‘armchair anthropologists’ before him, Malinowski advocated, instead of studying other peoples from the comfort of university libraries, going ‘into the field’: that is, living with the people he was studying, engaging in their community, learning their language, eating their food, and taking part in their …
What is the meaning of fieldwork?
1 : a temporary fortification thrown up by an army in the field. 2 : work done in the field (as by students) to gain practical experience and knowledge through firsthand observation. 3 : the gathering of anthropological or sociological data through the interviewing and observation of subjects in the field.
Why is participation an important part of anthropological fieldwork?
As previously mentioned, participant observation involves ethnographers observing while they participate in activities with their informants. This technique is important because it allows the researcher to better understand why people do what they do from an emic perspective.
What individual is known as the father of fieldwork within anthropology?
The main method for functionalism is fieldwork. Malinowski is considered the “father of fieldwork” due to his in depth description of how to properly go about participant-observation and ethnography in Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
What are some of the ethical considerations in doing anthropological fieldwork and why are they important?
Honesty is an evident and important quality for all anthropological research. Anthropologists must not falsify any data, and have an ethical responsibility to publish research that is honest and true. Anthropologists must continually strive to produce research that is objective.
What are the key features of a study?
- Empirical – based on observations and experimentation on theories.
- Systematic – follows orderly and sequential procedure.
- Controlled – all variables except those that are tested/experimented upon are kept constant.
- Employs hypothesis – guides the investigation process.