Who dies ff8?

Who dies ff8?

Squall closes his eyes and dies. The entire remaining game time, from the beginning of disc two to the second half of the ending movie, is a dream.

Which Final Fantasy is Leon from?

Final Fantasy VIII

Does rinoa die in ff8?

Later on, the evil Sorceress Ultimecia possesses Rinoa after losing control of Edea, which causes Rinoa to fall into a coma-like state. Ultimecia then uses Rinoa to release Sorceress Adel from her orbital prison. Ultimecia then possesses Adel and leaves Rinoa to die.

Is griever a gf?

The Griever we fight in the game is a GF created by Ultimecia right there and then. We couldn’t use it before for that reason.

How did ultimecia summon griever?

It is summoned by Ultimecia as her Guardian Force. Griever is called whatever the player named Squall’s ring when he described it to Rinoa during the Battle of the Gardens, to reflect that it is part of Squall’s mind.

How much HP does griever have?

Griever has anywhere between 30,700 HP (Lv10) and 115,950 HP (Lv65), so it could take a bit of effort to drop him.

What do the grievers inject?

The Grief Serum is the antidote that the Gladers give to someone who is stung by a Griever. It was mentioned in the Maze Runner Files that the Griever’s sting gives the Gladers a mutated version of the Flare that can be cured with the serum. The serum has cured multiple major characters: Thomas, Gally, and Alby.

What does a griever look like?

It is described as being a bulbous, dark creature, with many appendages such as spikes, shears, and rods. It seems to move in a forward roll. A Griever can “sting” Gladers, or prick them, which causes extreme pain for up to days or weeks. Grievers make whirring and clicking sounds when they move.

What does WCKD stand for?

World Catastrophe Killzone Department

What is Alby afraid of and why?

Alby is afraid of change. Thomas represents that change and he doesn’t like it.

How did Newt get infected?

Newt gets scratched by one of the Cranks on his right forearm, consequently infecting him with the virus. In the books, the Flare is airborne so all of the boys are exposed to it at some point while crossing the Scorch.

Why did Newt die if he was immune?

You see, Newt was not Immune, like the rest of the Gladers. He had the Flare and becomes a Crank. Before, however, he gives Thomas a letter, in which he asks Thomas to kill him. Although heartbroken, Thomas kills Newt because he knows that it’s what his friend wanted and didn’t want to see him struggle.

Why did Newt turn into a crank?

Newt is around so many infected people that it is impossible to tell when he truley gets infected. the flare takes over very fast for him in the death cure, and within two days of it getting VERY bad, he completely turns crank.

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