Who does the chorus call upon?

Who does the chorus call upon?

Chorus 1 Notes from Oedipus the King They call upon many gods, mainly Apollo, whom they beg to save Thebes from death.

Which gods is the chorus praying to?

The chorus chants a prayer to the gods Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Artemis, describing the horrors of the Theban plague.

What does the chorus want the gods to do for them?

What does the Chorus want the gods to do for them? They want the gods to destroy their enemy and restore Thebes.

Why does the chorus call on Bacchus Dionysus )?

The main characters in the Bacchae are the chorus, Dionysos and Pentheus. The chorus who are the narrators of the play symbolize the “ideal” followers of the hero of the play Dionysos. The hero, Dionysos (called Bacchus by the Romans) is the god of wine and drama and he represents liberation, divine order, and wisdom.

What is the moral of the Bacchae?

In that respect, the moral of the story is that a person who gives in to his instincts can find a connection to the gods, while those who don’t or don’t allow others to will lose all control of their urges. His Bacchae are closer to the gods, but the Thebans kill their own king.

What is Pentheus doing when his mother and aunts find him and kill him?

Pentheus climbs a tree to peep in on the Maenads. The King’s aunts Ino and Autonoe take the lead in ripping off Pentheus’ legs and arms. His mom finishes him off by tearing his head from his shoulders with her bare hands.

Why is the Bacchae a tragedy?

The tragedy is based on the Greek myth of King Pentheus of Thebes and his mother Agave, and their punishment by the god Dionysus (who is Pentheus’s cousin). The Bacchae is considered to be not only one of Euripides’s greatest tragedies, but also one of the greatest ever written, modern or ancient.

What tragic flaw does he accuse Cadmus and his family of?

At the end of the Bacchae, Dionysus tells Cadmus that his family is being punished because “I am a god and was treated with ______ by you.” What tragic flaw does he accuse Cadmus and his family of? Grandfather waving wands. It’s embarassing.

Which God did Actaeon offend and how?

In another version, he offended Artemis by boasting that his skill as a hunter surpassed hers. Actaeon being hunted by his own hounds, sculpture at the Royal Palace at Caserta, Italy.

Which God causes Aphrodite to sleep with anchises?


Who slept with Aphrodite?

Ares and Aphrodite conceived as many as eight children: Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Adrestia and the four Erotes (Eros, Anteros, Pothos and Himeros). She also had an affair with the mortal Anchises, a Trojan. She seduced him and slept with him and the two of them conceived Aeneas.

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