Who does Tris fall in love with in divergent?
Are Caleb and Tris twins?
Tris is Caleb’s younger sister. Caleb often reprimands Tris over her un-Abnegation behavior. They have a good relationship. They are a few months apart in age, so they take their aptitude tests in the same year.
Is Tris mum divergent?
In Allegiant, Tris discovers that her mother is actually Pure (Divergent, which means that they are normal people like us, without genes that were modified) and comes from Milwaukee and not from Chicago (where Tris lived most of her life).
Is Peter a divergent?
He is not divergent.
Who killed will in divergent?
Tris Prior’s
Why did Al kill himself divergent?
Tris smells his signature sage and lemongrass smell, which is mentioned multiple times in the book, and finds that Al is trying to scare/kill her to get rid of his jealousy.
Who tried killing Tris?
Peter Hayes
Is Christina divergent?
Christina eventually goes back to Dauntless headquarters when the others decide to leave Candor in order to escape the Erudite. The following night, Tris wakes Christina up and tells her that she’s going to Abnegation to see her brother, but she actually goes to Erudite to turn herself in as a Divergent.
Why is Tris afraid of crows?
This is how Tobias got the nickname “Four”. Tris originally had 7 fears, but later had 6 which included: To be devoured by crows – symbolic of her family turning on her/powerlessness. Men reaching for her in her Abnegation room – symbolic, scared of death.
What are Tris’s 6 fears?
Tris’s fears include being devoured by crows, drowning in a tank, being kidnapped in her Abnegation bedroom, killing her family, the ocean and rocks, and being burned at the stake. Tris was able to get past all her fears in record breaking time, which Four was impressed by.
What does Tris realize about Eric?
What does Tris realize about Eric? Eric is really an Erudite. How does Tris escape her last scenario in which she is being forced to kill her family? She shoots herself.
Why does Tris get an abnegation tattoo?
As Tris notes, tattoos “are a part of life here” with the Dauntless—and here is where she lives (19.29). Unlike the “these birds represent my family” tattoo, the Abnegation seal symbolizes who Tris is and will always be on some level. She may be Dauntless, but she’s also got some Abnegation in her.
Is Tris Prior died?
Tris dies. Yes, the character you’ve spent over 1500 pages with over the course of three books bites it at the end of Allegiant. You might say it’s fate. Tris always did have a penchant for self-sacrifice, so it makes sense that that’s how she goes out.
Why did Tris Mom transfer to abnegation?
Natalie Prior is the mother of Beatrice “Tris” Prior and Caleb Prior and wife of Andrew Prior. She, like her daughter, is Divergent and on the advice of her own mother chooses Abnegation as her faction because she will get killed if Dauntless find out about her being Divergent.
How old is Tris in Allegiant?
Is four divergent too?
No, Four is not divergent. In the books Four initially appears to be Divergent since he resists the mind control serum and can remain aware during simulations, but he is actually genetically damaged and therefore is not Divergent.
How did Tris die?
At the end of the Allegiant novel, Tris dies as she disseminates the memory serum to those in the bureau’s compound, including David, in an attempt to stop them from further discriminating and abusing “genetically damaged” people./span>
Why did David kill Tris?
David believes that Tris is trying to steal the weapons that will release the memory serum over the city, not release one of them herself. This gives her time, as she blames David for the death of her mother, the woman he loved. She barely sets off the device as David shoots her to her death./span>
What are Tris’s last words?
Her last words to Tris are “Be brave, Beatrice. I love you.” With these words, she’s advocating both Dauntless behavior and Abnegation values.
Do Tobias and Christina fall in love?
To the surprise of many fans, Four and Christina fall in love. Christina loved Tris just as Four did and they mourn her just the same. It can be argued that even if Roth had decided to create a new character for Tobias Eaton to love, readers who disapprove of Christina would be just as unhappy with a new character.
Who married four?
Four and Tris get married – Wedding Day – Wattpad.
Does Tobias Love Tris?
Tobias is a stern and intimidating eighteen-year-old who helps train Dauntless initiates and becomes Tris’s love interest. He’s aloof and strict with the trainees, and he often singles Tris out for critique, but as the book progresses it becomes obvious that he cares about her.
Why did Marcus abuse Tobias?
Personality. Marcus was shown to be a man of morals. However, he is hypocritical in that he believes he is allowed to abuse others to punish them, such as when he beats Tobias for keeping ‘illegal’ or self-indulgent trinkets.
Did Tris and Tobias sleep together in Allegiant?
Did Tris and Tobias sleep together in Allegiant? Throughout the whole movie the name ‘Tobias’ is only mentioned once and Tris never says it. Tris and Four don’t have sex until Allegiant. Tris and Four have sex.
Why did four leave abnegation?
Why did Four leave Abnegation? His father was abusive towards him, and he wanted to escape him. He doesn’t want to have to see his dad again.
What does four say to Tris after they kiss?
Now, Tris never suffers any ill treatment at the hands of Four, her Dauntless beau. After they kiss for the first time, she pulls back, whispering, “I don’t want to go too fast.”/span>
Do Tris and Four ever sleep together?
Throughout the whole movie the name ‘Tobias’ is only mentioned once and Tris never says it. Tris and Four don’t have sex until Allegiant. Tris and Four have sex.
Do Tris and Four break up?
Tris and Tobias split up and get all gushy about how much they love each other. Tobias manages to convince Evelyn to put an end to her power hunger and give up control of the city. She forms an alliance with the Allegiant, and they agree to let everyone live on their own terms and be happy.