Who initiated the French Revolution?

Who initiated the French Revolution?

The upheaval was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI, who met his death by guillotine, as did his wife Marie Antoinette

What did Rousseau say in the social contract?

The Social Contract, with its famous opening sentence ‘Man is born free, and he is everywhere in chains’, stated instead that people could only experience true freedom if they lived in a civil society that ensured the rights and well-being of its citizens

What is moral Contractarianism?

“Contractarianism” refers to a type of moral or political theory that employs the idea of contract (or, in less formal terms, agreement) among individuals to account for the content and the normative force of the requirements applicable to them, principally those governing their interaction

What is an example of Contractarianism?

A contractarian approach to problems of ethics asks what solution could be agreed upon by contracting parties, starting from certain idealized positions (for example, no ignorance, no inequalities of power enabling one party to force unjust solutions upon another, no malicious ambitions)

How are virtues acquired?

How does a person develop virtues? Virtues are developed through learning and through practice As the ancient philosopher Aristotle suggested, a person can improve his or her character by practicing self-discipline, while a good character can be corrupted by repeated self-indulgence

How does social contract theory explain how moral rules are justified?

The Social Contract Theory explains the purpose of both morality and government Thus, morality is about mutual benefit; you and I are morally bound to follow a rule only if we would be better off living in a society in which that rule were usually followed

What is the nature of the social contract here that Socrates is following?

The contract between these people (virtuous people) is commendable and therefore the agreement is a voluntary agreement This nature of the agreement bonds every soul in that community to obey its laws, because they are just laws extracted by virtuous people voluntarily agreed upon This is what Socrates stands for

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