Who inspired Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz?
Juana’s mother sent the gifted child to live with relatives in Mexico City. There her prodigious intelligence attracted the attention of the viceroy, Antonio Sebastián de Toledo, marquis de Mancera. He invited her to court as a lady-in-waiting in 1664 and later had her knowledge tested by some 40 noted scholars.
What key document did Sor Juana write?
Sor Juana wrote an energetic reply, the famous ‘Respuesta a Sor Filotea’, which has been hailed as the first feminist manifesto. The Ecclesiastical hierarchy, however, particularly the Archbishop Aguiar y Seijas, began to attack her more openly, demanding that she renounce her books and all worldly study.
Who were Sor Juana’s parents?
Pedro Manuel de AsbajeIsabel Ramírez
What led to Sor Juana’s abjuration?
Besides the writing of poems and plays, her studies included music, philosophy and natural science. Controversy surrounding Sor Juana’s writing and pressure from those around her, including her confessor Núñez de Miranda, resulted in Sor Juana’s forced abjuration.
Why did Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz became a nun?
Considered the first feminist of the Americas, sor Juana lived as a nun of the Jeronymite order (named for St. Rather than marry, she chose to become a nun so she could pursue her intellectual interests. She corresponded with scientists, theologians, and other literary intellectuals in Mexico and abroad.
What did Sor Juana do for women’s rights at the time of her life?
Sor Juana responded with stunning self-defense. She defended the right of all women to attain knowledge and famously wrote (echoing a poet and a Catholic saint), “One can perfectly well philosophize while cooking supper,” justifying her study of secular topics as necessary to understanding theology.
Why does Sor Juana cut her hair?
In one passage, she explains why she cut off her hair. As a result, I cut off the hair in punishment for my head’s ignorance, for it didn’t seem right to me that a head so naked of knowledge should be dressed up with hair, for knowledge is a more desirable adornment.”
Is De La Cruz a last name?
The prestigious surname Delacruz originated in Spain, a country which has figured prominently in world affairs for hundreds of years.
Who is Juana in the Pearl?
Juana is a strong, compatible, loving wife to Kino. They enjoy their life together with their son, Coyotito. She demands nothing more, until Coyotito is stung by a scorpion and needs to see a doctor. Using prayers and black magic, Juana summons Kino to find the pearl.
Does Kino die in the Pearl?
Eventually, he is murdered, pushed off a cliff, after Kino refuses to sell the pearl to the local buyers at the fixed price. While a major character and incident in the movie, this character did not even exist in the novella.
How old is Coyotito?
He is a baby, definitely under two years old and likely under one.
What does Juana symbolize in the Pearl?
In fact, Juana comes to view the pearl as a symbol of evil. Juana also symbolizes the family’s domestic happiness; the scene in which Kino beats her for trying to cast off the pearl thus represents Kino’s tragic break from the family he longs to support.
What does Coyotito mean?
Coyotito means “little coyote.” This is ironic because the tracker who shoots Coyotito thinks that it is a baby coyote crying, but it is actually Coyotito crying in the cave. The trackers shoots at the cave, thinking he is shooting at the coyote, but he actually shoots and kills Coyotito.
What is the Pearl a symbol of?
The pearl is a symbol of perfection and incorruptibility; it is a symbol of long life and fertility, and because of its luster it is often considered a MOON symbol. Buried within the OYSTER shell, the pearl represents hidden knowledge, and it is highly feminine.
Who did Kino kill in the Pearl?
Kino kills all three in a frenzy. However, he soon discovers that the random shot fired by the trackers has hit and killed Coyotito. Heartbroken, Juana and Kino return to La Paz. The two approach the gulf, and Kino looks at the pearl for the last time and sees in it an image of Coyotito with his head shot away.
Did Kino kill a man?
Kino killed a man with a knife in a fight for the pearl. He defends himself with a knife. He describes the incident to his brother, Juan Tomás.
Does Kino kill Coyotito?
Unbeknownst to Kino, the bullet hits and kills Coyotito. As the watchman shoots, Kino springs upon the trackers, stabbing the watchman and seizing the rifle. Knocking one of the other men out with a fierce blow, he watches as the last man attempts to flee up the cliff.
What does Kino become after killing a man?
After Kino kills a man, the thought of improving his family is lost—the only thing that remains is to save himself and his family. Kino associates himself with his pearl, remarking to Juan Tomás that whereas he once might have given the pearl away as a gift, his many troubles have grafted the pearl to him.
Did Kino kill the trackers?
Kino sneaks down in the night to kill the trackers, but before he can attack them, Coyotito cries out. The trackers, thinking it’s a coyote, shoot at the dark cave where Juana and Coyotito are hiding. As the shot is fired, Kino springs on the trackers and kills them all.
Who attacked Kino?
Kino is attacked because he is the owner of the “Pearl of the World,” the largest pearl ever seen around the area of La Paz, where he and his family live. At the beginning of the story, a scorpion stings Kino’s son, Coyotito.