Who is a careless person?

Who is a careless person?

a careless person does not think about what they are doing, so they make mistakes, hurt people, or damage things. Try not to be so careless next time! it was careless of someone: It was very careless of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it.

What does foolishness mean?

Foolishness is nonsense or stupidity; it’s acting in a way that is silly or irrational. When your actions show a lack of good sense or solid judgement, you’re betraying your foolishness.

What does reckless mean?

1 : marked by lack of proper caution : careless of consequences. 2 : irresponsible reckless charges.

What is reckless Behaviour?

Reckless behavior. Definition. Reckless behavior is the conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk. They know others are not engaging in the behavior (i.e., it is not the norm). The behavior represents a conscious choice to disregard what they know to be a substantial and unjustifiable risk.

How do you use reckless in a sentence?

1, She was charged with reckless driving. 2, She was a good rider, but reckless. 3, He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety. 4, He had always been reckless with money.

Is reckless positive or negative?

Reckless, like ‘gormless’, is one of those that lacks a positive equivalent. In some cases the positive ‘pair’ used to exist but is no longer used much, if at all.

Why is it called reckless?

The word reckless comes from the Old English word receleas, meaning “careless, thoughtless, heedless.” If you have a reckless attitude, you aren’t concerned about what happens to yourself or others who are affected by your actions. In this usage, reckless is the opposite of considerate.

Which word can better replace the word delight?

Delight Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for delight?

charm gladden
enamor enrapture
entertain enthralUK
enthrallUS entrance
excite fascinate

How do you describe a wild person?

If a person is wild, he might be unrestrained, crazy, or even enthusiastic — like someone who’s wild about cabaret music. The term “to run wild” means to grow unrestrained, undisciplined, like a wild animal or an imagination that isn’t held back by rules.

What’s another word for while?

What is another word for while?

although though
whereas but
regardless nevertheless
notwithstanding yet
still in spite of the fact that

What does wild mean in slang?

slang Wild also means excellent, special, or unusual: The music they play is just wild.

What is another word for loud?

What is another word for loud?

noisy blaring
ringing riotous
clangorous lusty
powerful forceful
disorderly rambunctious

What is a loud person called?

loquacious Add to list Share. A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. Of course, if you’ve got nothing to say, a loquacious person might make a good dinner companion, because they’ll do all the talking. All you will have to do is smile and eat.

What is a loud voiced person called?

Loud-voiced persons. STENTORS. Loud voiced person. STENTOR. Loud-voiced early TV comedienne.

How do you say someone is loud?


  1. big.
  2. blaring.
  3. blatant.
  4. blustering.
  5. boisterous.
  6. booming.
  7. cacophonous.
  8. clamorous.

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