Who is a co-author?

Who is a co-author?

A co-author is any person who has made a significant contribution to a journal article. They also share responsibility and accountability for the results. If more than one author writes an article, you’ll choose one person to be the corresponding author.

Can you have 2 first authors?

It’s not uncommon for the first author to have done almost 100% of the work. Two (or more) people can split the first author position by becoming co-authors. In this case, the two names lead the list of authors and a small symbol is put above each with a notation stating that “these two authors contributed equally.”

Who is the second author in a paper?

Second author is the second main person who contributes mainly to experiments and manuscript writing. Somewhat less in percentage to first author. And so on for third, fourth and rest.. Authorship consideration is usually all of your contribution to that project.

How do you become a co-author?

You may find that experience in other jobs will help you become a co-author. In fact, many co-author jobs require experience in a role such as internship. Meanwhile, many co-authors also have previous career experience in roles such as author or research assistant.

How do co-authors get paid?

Co-authors are not paid upfront. All parties are active authors of the book and get full credit and usually, two or more co-authors split any publisher advance money, royalty money, and/or merchandise money. Co-author partnerships also have a contract stating who gets what and how things are split.

How do you write author et al?

In et al., et should not be followed by a period. Only “al” should be followed by a period. Since et al. is plural, it should always be a substitute for more than one name. In the case that et al. would stand in for just one author, write the author’s name instead.

Do you need a comma before et al?

In MLA style, a comma is generally only used before et al. in the “Author” slot of works-cited-list entries when the author’s first and last names are reversed: Burdick, Anne, et al.

How do you in-text cite two authors with the same author?

In the Works Cited (Per the MLA Handbook (8th edition), p. 113: To cite two or more works by the same author, give the name in the first entry only. Thereafter, in place of the name, type three hyphens, followed by a period and the title. The three hyphens stand for exactly the same name as in the preceding entry.

How do you in text cite the same author in different works?

Multiple works by different authors in the same citation Include the last name and page reference for the first author, then a semi-colon, followed by the last name and page reference for the next author. (Smith 93; Fayett 131-32). List the corporate author followed by the page reference.

How do you cite two authors with different years?

Separate the citations with semicolons. Arrange two or more works by the same authors (in the same order) by year of publication. Place in-press citations last. Give the authors’ surnames once; for each subsequent work, give only the date.

How do you cite the same author in different years?

To cite the same author in a different year in APA, you list the works from the oldest publication date to the newest. Therefore, 2012 would come before 2013.

How do you cite the same author twice in APA?

To cite two works by the same author and the same year, differentiate the two works with small lowercase letters.

  1. For example, use in-text citations like (Smith, 2019a, p. 78) and (Smith, 2019b, p. 24).
  2. On the References page, sort the two entries in alphabetical order by the title, since the names will be identical.

How do you cite the same author in APA with no date?

If you have multiple citations from the same author which also do not have a date, you will follow the same instructions as you would if there was a date: order the citations in your reference list alphabetically by title, and place an “a”, “b”, etc after the date.

What if there is no year for APA in text citation?

Proper Bibliographic Reference Format:

  1. Bibliographic references are double-spaced and indented half an inch after the first line.
  2. If there is no author, the article title comes first.
  3. If there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d.
  4. It is no longer necessary to include the date of retrieval.

What is a retrieval date?

The retrieval date refers to the date you located an online source and should be included in the citation. A general website citation in APA style includes the author name(s), page title, website title, date accessed and the Web address, appearing as: Last name, First.

How do you reference a website in APA format with no author?

Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title or abbreviated title.: (“All 33 Chile Miners,” 2010). Note: Use the full title of the web page if it is short for the parenthetical citation.

How do you reference a book?

References to books should include the following:

  1. The author(s), or editor(s) – by surname and initial(s)
  2. The title (in italics or bold)
  3. The edition other than the first (if applicable)
  4. The publisher’s name.
  5. Year of publication.
  6. Edited publications.

How do you reference a website with no author?

Web page with no author When a web page has no identifiable author, cite in the text the first few words of the reference list entry, usually the title and the year, note the title of the web page is italicised. References: Title of web page or document Year, Publisher (if applicable), viewed Day Month Year, .

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