Who is eligible for GPSC exam?

Who is eligible for GPSC exam?

Important Links

Exam name Upper Age Limit Educational Qualification
GPSC DYSO Exam 35 Years Bachelor degree from a recognized University
GPSC Police Inspector Exam 35 Years Bachelor degree from a recognized University
GPSC State Tax Inspector Exam 35 Years Bachelor degree from a recognized University

What is the job after Gpsc?

– DEPUTY DIRECTOR, SCHEDULE CASTE. GPSC is a commission and undertake many recruitment exercise. The flagship exam is class 1 and 2 exam , which offers career in top bureaucracy of the state. Posts like deputy collector, deputy superintendent of police ,mamlatdar, TDO etc are offered by it.

What are the subjects in GPSC exam?

In mains, there will be 5 subjects: Gujarati (200 marks), English (100 marks), Optional subject – descriptive (200 marks), GK I & II – Objective(200 marks each) GK paper-I includes – History & Culture of Gujarat, General Economic matters, Public administration and subject related to state Govt services.

What is Gpsc and UPSC exams?

The GPSC syllabus is set by the Gujarat Public Service Commission. GPSC exam syllabus is similar to the UPSC Syllabus; the only difference is GPSC syllabus will have topics on History, Culture, Geography concerning the state of Gujarat. Candidates can check eligibility for the GPSC exam.

What is the salary of Gpsc Class 1 officer?

Question: What is the salary of Gpsc Class 1 officer? Answer: A GPSC class l officer will get a salary of Rs. 56,100 – Rs 1,77,500.

Which is the highest post in Gpsc?

Best post for GPSC Gujarat administrative Examination is Dy Collector. This is the highest cadre in GAS examination. The collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration.

How can I start Gpsc at home?

Preparation Tips for GPSC Exam – Mock Tests

  1. Once your syllabus is finished, start taking online mock tests.
  2. Mock tests are available online.
  3. To increase your question-solving speed & accuracy, taking mock tests is a must.
  4. Practicing mock tests will help solve the actual exam paper in a given time.

Which language is best for GPSC exam?


Which is better Gpsc or UPSC?

UPSC is conducted by the Central Government. UPSC is responsible for appointments and examinations for All India Services Group A and Group B of Central services. GPSC is conducted by the Gujarat State government . GPSC is responsible to filter the applications for Civil Service jobs in the state only.

Is Gujarati compulsory for Gpsc?

The following criteria is set by the GPSC for the Civil Services to be eligible for the exam. Candidate must be graduated from a recognized University. Candidate must have basic knowledge of computers. Candidate must know Hindi/Gujarati/both.

How can I prepare for Gpsc without coaching?

In a nutshell

  1. Read NCERT and other standard books.
  2. Read a newspaper and make notes.
  3. Practice writing answers daily for UPSC Mains exam.
  4. Choose and excel in the optional subject for Mains examination.
  5. Practice UPSC previous year question paper as well as the mock test.
  6. Groom yourself for interview.

Can I give Gpsc in English?

You can definitely give the GPSC exam in English language. Paper of GPSC are conducted in both languages so you don’t worry for language barrier.

Can I give Gpsc?

GPSC EXAM Eligibility Criteria:- The Candidate must be an Indian citizen. The Candidate must have the Age Limit from 21 – 28 years of age. The Relaxation for SC and ST period is for five years. For OBC 3years.

How many types of GPSC exams are there?

GPSC 2021 Examination Centres The GPSC examination shall be conducted in 16 different parts across the Indian state of Gujarat.

Is GPSC exam tough?

As far as preparations for GPSC are concerned, first of all just get through the syllabus of prelims and mains thoroughly. If you are an engineering student, it will be easy to crack the prelims as it has 150 marks for mathematics and reasoning.. You don’t need to prepare topic wise for this paper.

What is the salary of mamlatdar?

Both the Mamlatdar and the Nayab Mamlatdar or the Deputy Mamlatdar get a grade pay that equals Rs. 4600….

1 Post Name Mamlatdar
4 Salary Rs 13,900 to Rs. 39,400 on a monthly basis
5 Age Criteria 20 to 30 years
6 Education Graduate

How many attempts are allowed for GPSC exam?

GPSC is a commission and it conducts various examinations round the year. The flagship exam of GPSC is “Class 1 administrative services and class 1&2 civil services” exam. As such there is no limitation on number of attempts, a candidate can appear for.

Does GPSC exam have negative marking?

No, there will be no negative marking for any of the papers in GPSC. The objective type questions will all carry a weightage of 1 mark each for the prelims, and there will be a total of 200 questions in both general studies I and general studies II.

What is salary of DYSO?

GPSC DYSO Salary GPSC DYSO Recruitment 2021 Pay Scale or Fix Pay for a five-year Salary will be Rs. 38,090. After completion of the satisfactory service of 5 years, the Pay Matrix will increase to Rs. 39900- Rs 126600 (Pay Matrix Level 7) as per 7th pay commission.

How can I prepare for Gpsc Class 1 and 2?

  1. For the preparation of GPSC , first of all just get through the syllabus of prelims and mains thoroughly.
  2. The language paper that contains sections of English and Gujarati grammar is easiest among all.
  3. Keep habit of reading ‘The Hindu’.
  4. For mains, take geography as optional.

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