Who is Lindow?

Who is Lindow?

Lindow Man, also known as Lindow II and (in jest) as Pete Marsh, is the preserved bog body of a man discovered in a peat bog at Lindow Moss near Wilmslow in Cheshire, North West England. The remains were found on 1 August 1984 by commercial peat cutters.

What was the Tollund Mans last meal?

The Tollund Man’s last meal was a kind of gruel, described as ‘disgusting’ by a British archaeologist who tasted a reconstructed version for a program on the BBC. The Grauballe Man ate a porridge made out of 60 different types of plant, which contained enough ergot to put him in a coma, or at least, make him delirious.

How old is peat bog man?

The Silkeborg Museum estimated his age as approximately 40 years and height at 1.61 metres (5 ft 3 in), a relatively short stature even for the time. It is likely that the body had shrunk in the bog. On the initial autopsy report in 1950, doctors concluded that Tollund Man died by hanging rather than strangulation.

How was Elling woman found?

Later known as the Elling Woman, the body was discovered by a local farmer, Jens Zakariasson, who at first believed that the remains were of a drowned animal. The body was wrapped in a sheepskin cape with a leather cloak tied around her legs.

Did the tollund man get murdered?

Tollund man died because he was murdered by being hanged. He was buried with a rope around his neck. This shows that it was a violent act and not an accident.

Can you die from a bog?

Prehistoric people discovered in European peat bogs often show signs of horrifically violent deaths: marks on their bodies indicate that they were strangled, hanged, stabbed or beheaded. The authors say that the bog folk were generally killed with methods that inflicted pain for as short a time as possible.

Are there peat bogs in America?

When most of us think of bog bodies, we think of northwestern Europe—Ireland, say, or Denmark. But North America has its peat bogs, too, and some of them contain the remarkably well-preserved remains of ancient people.

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