Who is the current female world record holder for the 1500m?

Who is the current female world record holder for the 1500m?

Filter All Time Top Lists

Rank Mark Competitor
1 3:50.07 Genzebe DIBABA
2 3:50.46 Yunxia QU
3 3:50.98 Jiang BO
4 3:51.07 Faith KIPYEGON

Who holds the world record for 1500m?

Hicham El Guerrouj

Who holds the female world record for the mile run?

Sifan Hassan

Is a 6 minute mile good for a 13 year old?

An average time would be 7–8 minutes. However, it completely depends on the person, how fit they are, and their body build in general. Someone who never runs isn’t going to run the mile in 6 minutes, and some people take 11–12 minutes, and that’s completely fine.

How many miles should a 14 year old run per day?

Therefore, middle school kids should only be running up to 12.8 miles per week, if they are planning to run in a 10K race. Kids up to age 14 should only run three times per week….Running Recommendations.

Age Distance
Under 9 1.5 mile
9-11 3.2 miles
12-14 6.4 miles
15-16 Half Marathon: 13.1 miles

What is the average mile time for a 14 year old healthy girl?

Between the ages of 10 and 14, the average girls’ mile time improves from 11 minutes and 22 seconds to 10 minutes and 6 seconds. Male runners of the same age complete a mile run more quickly than girls, on average. Girls running a half mile can complete the run at a time of between 55 minutes and 5 minutes, 54 seconds.

How fast should 11 year old run a mile?

Average 1 mile run time by age and ability

Age Beginner Elite
10 11:18 06:12
15 09:47 05:22
20 09:27 05:11
25 09:27 05:11

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