Who is the District Magistrate of Kanpur Nagar?

Who is the District Magistrate of Kanpur Nagar?

Revenue/District Administration

Name Designation Phone
Dr. Raj Shekhar, IAS Commissioner Kanpur
Sh. Alok Tiwari, IAS District Magistrate 0512-2306577
Sri P K Shukla , PCS ADM(LA) 0512-2332206
Sri. V K Pandey , PCS ADM (F/R) 0512-2306585

Who is the current DM of Kanpur 2020?

Vijay Vishwas Pant

How many SDM are there in Kanpur?

District Administration

Contact Person CUG Numbe
Adnl. City Magistrate 6 9454416406
Adnl. City Magistrate 7 9454416407
SDM Sadar 9454416385
SDM Bilhaur 9454416386

Who is the DM of Uttar Pradesh?

Name:-Shri Abhishek Prakash (I.A.S.)

Who is IAS Lucknow?

Abhishek Prakash (I.A.S.) District Lucknow , Government of Uttar Pradesh | India.

Who is DM Noida?

Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj

Is Noida expensive?

Noida is a well-planned city and a part of the National Delhi Capital Region of India. It was ranked as the best city in Uttar Pradesh. But, unlike any other metropolitan cities of India, Noida’s cost of living is much higher than compared to any other city in India.

Is Noida a safe city?

Noida is the richest authority in India, it has the highest green cover in India and is one of the few planned cities in India. Yes, it is safe but due to overpopulated city and there is a wide inequality in money so some element try to disturb peace .

Is Noida safe place for girls?

Noida is a part of Uttar Pradesh and it is as safe as the rest of India is. The way of living is not different at all. Everything is mostly similar as in other cities of U.P. Being a girl if you wear dresses, they will stare at you until you feel uncomfortable.

Is Noida safe in 2020?

Noida’s crime rate is average. Most often, the problems here are related to thefts, car thefts, vandalism, attacks, and corruption. But unlike large cities like New Delhi, here is still more calm and safe. Noida grew very fast, and the population was decidedly mixed.

Is Noida a posh area?

Sector 50 is one of the posh areas of Noida, where some of the most expensive properties are available for investment and end-use. With major shopping markets in its proximity, Noida Sector 50 is also one of top choices for tenants, who work in Noida Electronic City.

Why Noida is dangerous?

A recent report by a reputed journal states that our city Noida is amongst the 10 most unsafe cities in the country to live in. And even though we love Noida, we have to agree at some level with the news because the growing crime rate in the city has been a constant concern for its residents for years.

Which is more expensive Noida or Pune?

Cost of Living Comparison Between Pune and Noida You would need around 112,063.00₹ in Noida to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 110,000.00₹ in Pune (assuming you rent in both cities).

What is it like to live in Noida?

In the past few years, Noida has emerged as one of the most liveable cities to live in India. With the growing IT industry and other various sectors, Noida has become one of the richest and planned cities of India with all the modern infrastructures and best in class amenities.

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