Who is the God?

Who is the God?

In theism, God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, while in deism, God is the creator, but not the sustainer, of the universe. In the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, one God coexists in three “persons” called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What is God in our life?

In one sense, you are always living in God’s purpose. God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you. However, our choices and actions also really matter.

Why is God important in my life?

Have faith and trust God because he created you and he knows what is good for you. He will put you in the right way, where you need to be, with the people you need to be and he would put people in your life that teaches you a lesson. Always is positive, care for those you love and love you, and have faith in God.

Why does God speak to us?

God speaks encouragement to us! God likes to let us know we’re on the right track. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, as a sign that He was entering into His public ministry, God spoke from Heaven to confirm who Jesus was! God’s voice can feel like confirmation while you’re on your journey.

What are three ways that God speaks to us today?

That being said, here are 4 ways God speaks to us today.

  • God Speaks To Us Through His Word.
  • God Speaks To Us Today In The “Still, Small Voice”
  • God Speaks To Us Through Other P eople.
  • God Can Use Dreams To Speak To Us.

Does God speak through thoughts?

God speaks through thoughts and feelings When God is speaking to you, it’s not likely that he will come stand in front of you in the flesh. No, but he will help you “hear” him through thoughts and feelings.

Can I be forgiven by God?

Matthew “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, any sin and blasphemy can be forgiven. And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”

Can God hear me cry?

Does God hear me cry? Yes. The Bible tells us He keeps your tears in a bottle. God hears your heart as well as the words you say.

Can God speak to me directly?

Yes … God speaks directly to humans. Over 2,000 times in the Old Testament there are phrases such as, “And God spoke to Moses” or “the word of the Lord came to Jonah” or “God said.” We see an example of this in Jeremiah 1:9.

How do you know God is speaking to you?

Sign God Is Speaking To You — His Word Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. A sign that God is speaking to you is when the same type of verses or theme keeps coming up.

How do I stay closer to God?

How to Get Closer to God

  1. Prayers for the Year. Grab a sheet of paper, a pen and some time to think.
  2. Verse for the Month. Every month select a verse to memorize and pray over your family.
  3. Hour for the Week. Devote one hour a week to spiritual education.
  4. Routine for the Day. Create a brief—yes brief!

How can I follow God everyday?

Following God’s Plan for Your Life:

  1. Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer.
  2. Be actively reading in the Word.
  3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart.
  4. Seek a godly community.
  5. Obey the Truth.

How do I find God?

Here are the five ways to help along this spiritual transformation inside yourself:

  1. Change your thinking about yourself and about God.
  2. Regard every thought of God as God.
  3. Practice believing that God dwells in you already.
  4. Remember that God dwells in all others, too.
  5. Be still and know that I am God.

How can I be at God?

(2.64, 2.65) Whether it is happiness of mind relating to God or the craving to attain God, both would lead to attainment of God. Even if one of the senses is not under control, then that sense alone, getting attached to its object, would compel mind to follow it and cause man’s downfall. (2.67).

What is God’s number to call?

In the 2003 Jim Carrey comedy “Bruce Almighty,” God’s phone number (776-2323, no area code) appears on the Carrey character’s pager, so of course moviegoers called it and asked to speak to God. That’s kind of funny, unless you happened to own that number in your area code.

Does God want to talk to me?

He meets us where we are.” No matter our level of understanding, God does want to communicate with us through prayer and through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Whether we respond better to thoughts, feelings or other means, that is the way God will try to communicate with us.

Is it OK to talk to God like a friend?

It is valid prayer. Many people think prayer is only a way of asking God for stuff.

Is praying and talking to God the same?

There are many forms of prayer. Talking to God is a form of “Conversational” prayer or “Dialogical” prayer. It is the most common type of prayer – the prayer that we are mostly taught at children in the Christian tradition. The second, major type of prayer is called “Contemplative” prayer or “Silent” Prayer.

What’s the proper way to pray?

But knowing how to pray is not always easy. Jesus’ disciples felt the same confusion….I hope they will encourage you to make 2021 a year of prayer.

  1. Know to whom you are speaking.
  2. Thank him.
  3. Ask for God’s will.
  4. Say what you need.
  5. Ask for forgiveness.
  6. Pray with a friend.
  7. Pray the Word.
  8. Memorize Scripture.

Is it OK to pray in your head?

There’s nothing wrong with silent prayer, though praying out loud is better. Don’t worry if it takes you awhile to get to spoken prayer.

What are the 4 types of prayer?

Forms of prayer. The tradition of the Catholic Church highlights four basic elements of Christian prayer: (1) Prayer of Adoration/Blessing, (2) Prayer of Contrition/Repentance, (3) Prayer of Thanksgiving/Gratitude, and (4) Prayer of Supplication/Petition/Intercession.

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