
Who is the guest mentioned in the passage?

Who is the guest mentioned in the passage?

Explanation: The guest referred to is Ram jso iron works.

How do you solve unseen passage quickly?

Important Strategy to Solve Comprehension Passages

  1. Read the passage as fast as possible.
  2. Get involved with the paragraph to understand it.
  3. Underline important lines or parts of the passage to answer the questions.
  4. Try to translate a complex line in an easy one in your own words and your own language.

Why was the old man trying to be generous to the guest?

The old man shared with the guest about the days of his prosperity and that he is now being supported by his cow. No, the guest did not prove to be worthy of the old man’s love and generosity because he stole the host’s money which he has earned last month by selling cows millk.

Why can’t the crofter do day labor?

The guest was informed at once that in his days of prosperity his host had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks and had worked on the land. Now that he was no longer able to do day labour, it was his cow which supported him. 1.

Why was the crofter so friendly with the Rattrap peddler?

The crofter allowed the peddler to stay for the night in his cottage. He welcomed the peddler with a smiling face. E was an old man without wife or child. Therefore, he became happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness.

What personal information did he impart to his guest?

What personal information did he impart to his guest ? Ans: The old man told his guest that in his days of prosperity he had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks. Then he worked on the land. Now he was unable to do physical labour.

Why did the peddler slept so much at Ramsjo?

The peddler considered the whole world as a big rattrap, its sole purpose being to set baits for people. The joys and riches of this world are nothing but tempting baits and anyone who is tempted by them was captured by the rattrap which completely closed in on him.

What is the message of the story the Rattrap?

The rattrap peddler is a poor man. He robs the same who gives him shelter and food. But he is reformed by the compassionate behaviour of a young girl Edla. This story gives the message that the essential goodness of man can be awakened through love and understanding.

Who is chased away from the places the Rattrap?

Answer: Wherever the Peddler went, people were hostile to him and chased him away. So, he was amused by the idea of the world being a big rattrap. He was also happy that those who chased him away will also be tempted and caught up in the rattrap one day.

Why did the peddler leave the stolen money in a Rattrap?

He leaves a rattrap as a Christmas gift for Edla and encloses a letter of thanks and a note of confession in it. He leaves behind the stolen money to be restored to its rightful owner, the crofter, thus redeeming himself from his dishonest ways.

Why did the peddler leave a Christmas gift for EDLA?

The peddler had gone leaving behind a little package for Miss willmansson as a Christmas gift. It contained a small rat-trap and three wrinkled ten kroner notes. The letter had words of praise for Edla’s kindness and hospitality. She was happy to see the gift which was a reward of his goodness.

What made the peddler finally change his heart?

He had no friend to steer him on the right path. Though the crofter was hospitable to him and even the ironmaster had almost offered him help they failed to leave any impact on him. It was Edla who through her genuine care and understanding was finally able to change the peddler for the better.

Why did Peddler not reveal his true identity?

why did the peddler not reveal his true identity when the ironmaster mistakes him to be the captain. The peddler did not reveal his true identity because he hoped that the ironmaster mistaking him for an old acquaintance, would offer him some money.

How did the crofter tempt the peddler to steal his money how did it change the peddler’s life?

Crofter was proud of his cow that gave him enough milk. So he told the peddler about the thirty kronors he got by selling the milk of the cow and he used to keep his money in a leather pouch that hung from a nail in the window frame. He felt that the peddler did not believe him so he showed the money to convince him.

Why did peddler sign himself as Captain von stahle?

Complete answer: As Captain von Stable, the peddler signed himself because Edla had regarded him as though he was a captain. He continued that he was a rat that would have been trapped in the rattrap of this planet if he had not been elevated to captain, so he had the ability to clear himself in that manner.

What made the peddler accept EDLA Willmansson?

She noticed that the man was afraid. She assured him that he would be allowed to leave just as freely as he came. She requested him to stay with them over Christmas Eve. Her friendly manner made the peddler feel confidence in her and accept her invitation.

Why was the peddler grateful to the ironmaster and his daughter?

Ans. The peddler was grateful to the ironmaster and his daughter as they empowered him to release himself from the world’s rattrap through their selfless hospitality, love, sympathy, compassion, and understanding.

Is the title of the story the Rattrap justified?

1 Answer. The story has an appropriate and suggestive title. It at once draws our attention to the central theme-the whole world is a big rattrap. All the good things of the world are nothing but baits to tempt a person to fall into the rattrap.

What does the title The Rattrap symbolize?

The Rattrap” is an appropriate title as it is the story of a rattrap peddler. The author has used the metaphor of a Rattrap to highlight the human predicament. The story revolves around the incident of a man getting trapped due to his greed. Hence, the title is an apt one.

What does the title The Rattrap Symbolise?

“The Rattrap” is an appropriate title as it is the story of a rattrap peddler. The author has used the metaphor of a Rattrap to highlight the human predicament. The story revolves around the incident of a man getting trapped due to his greed. Hence, the title is an apt one.

Do you think the title of the story is appropriate the lost child?

Answer: Yes, the title appropriately captures the essence of the story. It highlights the plight of a little child who is lost in a fair and it captures the emotions that the child goes through on being separated from his parents.

How was the child lost in the fair?

Answer: In the fair , there were many beautiful things like toys , sweets , balloons and many more. The child wanted all those things but his parents were neglecting him and in watching those things the child was lagging behind . In this way the child lost in the fair.

What were the excuses that the child envisage that his parents would make?

What were the excuses that the child envisage that his parents would make? Ans: The child made his requests for various things in murmurs because he knew that if he asked for sweets, he would be called greedy.

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