Who is the main character of the novel The Time Machine?
Who are the people in the time machine?
Stephen Critchlow as Filby, friend of the young Wells. Chris Pavlo as Bennett, friend of the young Wells. Manjeet Mann as Mrs. Watchett, the Traveller’s housemaid. Jill Crado as Weena, one of the Eloi and the Traveller’s partner.
What character explained the time machine?
The Time Traveller A well-read and intelligent man of science. He is versed in the theories of his day, and very clearly a Darwinist, like Wells himself, and his thoughts echo much of Wells’s own theories about the Britain of his time.
Why are the characters unnamed in the time machine?
As the novel opens, the narrator recounts the explanations of time travel given by the Time Traveler to a party of sceptical dinner guests. Nameless, these men are instead identified by their professional titles – a Psychologist, a Medical Man, a Provincial Mayor, and so on.
Who is the antagonist in the time machine?
Why do the Morlocks steal the time machine?
They’re creepy and monstrous, and they keep trying to eat our main character. Oh, and they steal his Time Machine and then use it as bait to trap him. If they had moustaches, the Morlocks would be twirling them.
What does the time Traveller believe to be the fourth dimension?
Time is the fourth dimension. The Time Traveller explains that one lever sends the machine into the future and the other one sends it into the past. He asks one of the guests to push the forward lever, and the machine disappears in a small gust. He claims that the machine is now gliding forward into the future.
What happens to the mini model of the time machine when it time travels?
Since they don’t really believe him, the Time Traveller goes to get his model of the Time Machine from his laboratory. Filby tries to tell a story, but no one cares. The Time Traveller shows them his model Time Machine, then makes it disappear.
What happened to the time Traveller in the time machine?
The Time Traveller disappears and never comes back. We don’t know where he went or why. The unnamed narrator makes some guesses to show the range of possibilities: maybe he’s with our primitive ancestors or dinosaurs (not at the same time, of course), or maybe he’s in the nearer future.
How is the time machine a dystopia?
It is a dystopia, a vision of a troubled future. It recommends that current society change its ways lest it end up like the Eloi, terrified of an underground race of Morlocks. In the Eloi, Wells satirizes Victorian decadence. In the Morlocks, Wells provides a potentially Marxist critique of capitalism.
How does Wells critique the flawed principles of social Darwinism in the time machine?
How does Wells critique the flawed principles of social Darwinism in The Time Machine? He thereby strongly critiques social Darwinism, which based many of its principles on a flawed understanding of the theory of evolution. Instead, he suggests that the successful species is not necessarily the “best” species.
Is The Time Machine about communism?
H. G. Wells wrote The Time Machine in 1895 during the Industrial Revolution of late Victorian England. Wells was a socialist. The Time Machine starts off as a deceptive communist utopia that is ultimately revealed to be an exaggerated future vision of capitalist dystopia.
What is the great fear in the time machine?
One of the primal fears in The Time Machine is fear of the unknown. So while the Time Traveller is traveling into the future, he starts to worry about what he’ll find. And now that he knows that there is something (or someone) else in the world, he’ll worry about that. He always finds something to fear.